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In the time of his predecessor several had taken place, and on these occasions it was remembered that the troops, instead of going abroad to search for the "barbaros," shut themselves up in the garrison till the latter were gone clear out of the valley, after having carried off all the cattle they could collect! What a contrast in the new Comandante! What a brave officer was Colonel Vizcarra!

I tell you, Comandante, the cibolero himself, if that will be any comfort to you, will be humbugged by it! She will swear if her word be worth anything that she has been in the hands of los barbaros all the while! She will give the lie even to her own brother!" "The plan is excellent. It must be done to-night!" "To-night, of course. As soon as the men have gone to bed, Gomez can start with her.

The dark people resembled the Aquitani and the Iberians; the fair people were like the Belgic Gauls. The chief direct evidence of the truth of this proposition is the well-known passage of Tacitus: "Ceterum Britanniam qui mortales initio coluerint, indigenae an advecti, ut inter barbaros, parum compertum.

One was, that the settlement was surrounded by "los barbaros," headed by Carlos the cibolero; that they must be in great numbers, since they had made an open attack upon the military stronghold itself; but that they had been beaten off by the valiant soldiers after a desperate conflict, in which many were killed on both sides; that the officers were all killed, including the Comandante; and that another attack might be looked for that night, which would most likely be directed against the town!

A body of lancers, with Roblado and Gomez at their head, rode after. As they approached the edge of the chapparal, to their astonishment a score of heads appeared above the bushes, and a wild yell hailed their advance! "Indios bravos! los barbaros!" cried the lancers, halting, while some of them wheeled back in alarm.

But ac, besides being more frequent before a consonant, is found in the best MSS. XI. Indigenae an advecti. Cf. note, G. 2: indigenas. Ut inter barbaros, sc. fieri solet. Cf. ut in licentia, G. 2; and ut inter Germanos, G. 30. Rutilae asseverant. Cf. the description of the Germans, G. 4. The inhabitants of Caledonia are of the same stock as the other Britons.

Tertium est fertilitas locorum ipsius provinciae, cujus pinguedo allicit barbaros et externos in praedam. Quartum est invidia, quae viget in cordibus ipsorum incolarum.

She looked beautiful as ever, though the red was not so bright on her cheek, and a singular, wild expression appeared in her eyes. To the questions put to her she either answered not or returned vague replies. She sat in silence; but several times broke forth into strange, unintelligible, exclamatory phrases, in which the words "Indios" and "barbaros" repeatedly occurred. "Esta loco!"

A native of the Carolina tidewater is a "furriner" in the Carolina mountains, and so is a native of the "bluegrass" when he enters the eastern hills of his own State. The highlander's word "furriner" means to him what +barbaros+ did to an ancient Greek.

Had this been done, los barbaros might soon have stood on a level with the gente rationale. There are in California many different races of Indians, whose languages vary so much from each other, as sometimes to have scarcely any resemblance; in the single mission of Santa Clara more than twenty languages are spoken.