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He makes a half turn, not forgetting to water his horse, and meets at the fountain the sorceress, who was drawing water. "Let me pass," he said to her, "and take your buckskin out of my way." "You may pass," she answered. He started his horse, which stepped on the buckskin and tore it. "You who are so brave with a poor woman," she said, "would you be able to bring back Redah Oum Zaid?"

Redah: "We women are like silk. And only those Who are true merchants know to handle us." Ahmed el Hilalieu then says: "I've those worth more than thou amid the girls Of Hilal, clad in daintiest of silk Of richest dye, O Redah, O fifth rite." And, turning his horse's head, he goes away.

You said, again, 'Greetings to you, you who are before the camels. Before them are their heads. You said, 'Greetings to you, O master of the white mare, And then I answered to you, 'Greetings to you also," Ahmed el Hilalieu asked of the shepherd, "What is your name?" "I am called Chira." "Well, Chira, tell me where Redah lives. Is it at the city of the stones or in the garden of the palms?"

Ahmed starts, and when he arrives at the castle, he stands up in his stirrups and throws the shadow of his spear upon the window. Redah, addressing her negress, said to her: "See now what casts that shadow. Is it a cloud, or an Arab's spear?" The negress goes to see, comes back to her mistress, and says to her, "It is a horseman, such as I have never seen the like of before in all my life."

"Redah dwells in the city. Her father is the Sultan. Seven kings have fought for her, and one of them has refreshed his heart. He is named Chalau. Go, seek the large house. You will be with Redah when I see you again." Ahmed sets out, and soon meets the wife of the shepherd, who comes before him and says, "Enter, be welcome, and may good luck attend you!"

"Return," said Redah, "and ask him who he is." Redah goes to see, and says: "O horseman, who dost come before our eyes, Why seekest thou thy death? Tell me upon Thine honor true, what is thine origin?" He answers: "Oh, I am Ahmed el Hilalieu called. Well known 'Mongst all the tribes of daughters of Hilal. I bear in hand a spear that loves to kill, Who'er attacks me counts on flight and dies."

"By the religion of Him whom I adore, you shall show me where this Redah lives or I'll cut off your head." "Know, then, that she lives far from here, and that there is between her and you no less than forty days' journey." Ahmed went home, and took as provisions for the journey forty dates of the deglet-nour variety, putting them into his pocket. He mounted his steed and departed.