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"Return," said Redah, "and ask him who he is." Redah goes to see, and says: "O horseman, who dost come before our eyes, Why seekest thou thy death? Tell me upon Thine honor true, what is thine origin?" He answers: "Oh, I am Ahmed el Hilalieu called. Well known 'Mongst all the tribes of daughters of Hilal. I bear in hand a spear that loves to kill, Who'er attacks me counts on flight and dies."

Redah: "We women are like silk. And only those Who are true merchants know to handle us." Ahmed el Hilalieu then says: "I've those worth more than thou amid the girls Of Hilal, clad in daintiest of silk Of richest dye, O Redah, O fifth rite." And, turning his horse's head, he goes away.

Now, having cut the beast's throat to make him "hilal," according to Mussulman usage, and thinking we had done enough if I could only return to the first wounded bull and settle him too, we commenced retracing our steps, and by accident came on Grant.

So a fourth fared forwards and the youth asked him his name and he answered, "My name is Hilal, the New Moon." And the youth began repeating, "Thou hast failed who would sink me in ruin sea, * Thou who camest in malice with perfidy: I, whose verses hast heard from the mouth of me, * Will ravish thy soul though unknown to thee."

Now, in the first place let us come to an understanding; if you can answer my questions let us hold discourse, if not, let us say nothing. Says the Cogia, 'What may your questions be? Said the shepherd, 'The moon, when it is new, is small, afterwards it increases, until it looks like a wheel; after the fifteenth, it diminishes, and does not remain; then again, there is a little one, of the size of Hilal, which does remain.