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Having premised thus much on behalf of the "Natural" in Randal Leslie's character, I must here fly off to say a word or two on the agency in human life exercised by a passion rarely seen without a mask in our debonair and civilized age, I mean Hate.

Of course his neighbor, the parson, was by no means cognizant of this violence on the part of M'Mahon, or he would never have thought of applying to him, even under the severest pressure of absolute destitution. Having premised thus much concerning these two individuals, we request our readers to accompany us to the house of the Rev.

These observations premised, we maintain that the blood of the embryo, conveyed by the umbilical arteries to the placenta or uterine carunculae transports to the foetus not only nutritious juice, but also a portion of the nitro-aerial particles: so that the blood of the infant seems to be impregnated with nitro-aerial particles by its circulation through the umbilical vessels in the same manner as in the pulmonary vessels.

This premised, he immediately began to transfer the mutton and pie-crust from his plate to his lips, in such huge gobbets, as if he was refreshing after a three days' fast, and laying in provisions against a whole Lent to come. Joshua Geddes in his turn gazed on him with surprise, having never, he thought, beheld such a gaunt expression of hunger in the act of eating.

That being premised, Paul comes to his final point; namely, that Christian men are bound to restrict their liberty so that they shall not tempt weaker brethren on to a path on which they cannot walk without stumbling. He has just shown the danger to such of partaking of the sacrificial feasts.

It must be premised that though so many kinds of implements are here enumerated, the nomenclature cannot be accepted as universally accurate. The so-called "hoe," for example, is an object of disputed identity, especially as agriculture has not been proved to have been practised among the primitive people of Japan, nor have any traces of grain been found in the neolithic sites.

The rule obviously will hold good in all such cases as comply with the two conditions already premised, viz.: that each character agrees with Mendel's law, and that both are wholly independent of each other. It is clear that our figures show the numerical composition of the hybrid offspring for any single instance, irrespective of the morphological nature of the qualities involved.

Locke, in a passage which I shall here set down, after having premised that notwithstanding there is still infinite room between man and his Maker for the creative power to exert itself in, it is impossible that it should ever be filled up, since there will be still an infinite gap or distance between the highest created being, and the power which produced him.

As regards the choice of position for the dam of a reservoir, supposing that it is intended to impound the water by throwing an obstruction across a valley, it may be premised that to impound the largest quantity of water with the minimum outlay, the most favorable conditions are present where a more or less broad valley flanked by steep hills suddenly narrows at its lower end, forming a gorge which can be obstructed by a comparatively short dam.

If I recollect the name of the little town, on whose shore this sea is murmuring but I am not just now, as I have premised, to be relied upon for anything it is Pavilionstone. Within a quarter of a century, it was a little fishing town, and they do say, that the time was, when it was a little smuggling town.