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"It is very possible that you may be right," exclaimed Randal, as if struck and half convinced by his companion's argument, "very possible; and certainly I think that the homely folks at the Hall would fret and fume at first, if they heard you were married to Madame di Negra.

If I sent to these poor people some copies of the New Testament, translated into their own language, would my gift be accepted?" Strongly interested by this time, in studying Captain Bennydeck's character on the side of it which was new to him, Randal owned that he observed with surprise the interest which his friend felt in perfect strangers.

But when Levy took such proposals entirely on himself, the main question to Randal became this, could it be Levy's interest to make so considerable a sacrifice?

But a neighbouring solicitor, having caught scent of the legacy, hunted it down into his own hands, on pretence of having found a capital investment in a canal; and when the solicitor had got possession of the L5000, he went off with them to America. Meanwhile Randal, placed by Mr.

Next morning, being near Lobos, our appointed rendezvous with the Mercury, I sent ashore my second lieutenant, Mr Randal, with two letters in separate bottles, directing Captain Hately to follow me to Payta, to which port I now made the best of my way, and arrived before it on the 18th of March, and sent Mr Randal to look into the cove, to bring me an account of what ships were there, that I might know what to think of the information we had received from our prisoners.

And if he were not so done for, it is not you, it is L'Estrange, that he would be tempted to do for!" "We may blot Peschiera out of the map of the future," rejoined Randal. "Men from whom henceforth we have nothing to hope or to fear are to us as the races before the deluge." "Fine remark," quoth the baron, admiringly. "Peschiera, though not without brains, was a complete failure.

Riccabocca was so soon to vanish into the Duke di Serrano, he Randal Leslie of Rood, born a gentleman, indeed, but of fallen fortunes had no right to claim the promise which had been given to him while a father had cause to fear for a daughter's future; with the fear ceased the promise. Alight Heaven bless father and daughter both! This address touched both the heart and honour of the exile.

"Does she submit to your telling Kitty that her father is dead?" For the first time Mrs. Presty became serious. "Wait a minute," she answered. "Before I consented to answer the child's inquiries, I came to an understanding with her mother. I said, 'Will you let Kitty see her father again?" The very question which Randal had promised to ask in his brother's interests!

Hence," added the count, with his French lively smile, "hence there is no place like Vienna for a young man, no place like Vienna for bonnes fortunes." "Those make the paradise of the idle," replied Randal, "but the purgatory of the busy.

Al Randal and Ed Green, who were already almost mythical, were spoken of as living creatures and thus the far was brought near. Comparisons between the old and the new methods of seeding and harvest also gave me a sense of change, a perception which troubled me a little, especially as a wistful note had crept into the voices of these giants of the middle border.