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"Tacho," penned the prastramengro, "it's the kushtiest pauno rani mandy ever dickdus. Ki did tute kin it?" Avali, many's the chairus mandy's tippered a trinmushi to a prastramengro ta mukk mandy hatch my tan with the chavvis. Once on a time a Gipsy stole a turkey, and then met a policeman on the road. "Where did you steal that turkey?" asked the policeman.

Yeck divvus a prastramengro prastered pauli a Rommany chal, an' the chal jalled adree the panni, that was pordo o' boro bittis o' floatin' shill, and there he hatched pall his men with only his sherro avree. "Hav avree," shelled a rye that was wafro in his see for the pooro rnush, "an' we'll mukk you jal!" "Kek," penned the Rom; "I shan't jal."

"Yes," replied the Gipsy. "You told me that only bad things keep going, and this money has gone all over the country many a time." All men are not like trees. Some must travel, and cannot keep still. "Where did tute chore adovo rani?" putchered the prastramengro. "It's kek rani; it's a pauno rani that I kinned 'dree the gav to del tute."

The hint to run the horses off indicates a very doubtful title to their possession. The prastramengro pens me mustn't hatch acai. The policeman says we mustn't stop here. No phrase is heard more frequently among Gipsies, who are continually in trouble with the police as to their right to stop and pitch their tents on commons. I can stop here for five days.

Now it was characteristic of this Gipsy, as of many others, that when interested by a remark or a question, he would reply by bursting into some picture of travel, drawn from memory. So he answered by saying "They hunnelo'd the choro puro mush by pennin' him he mustn't hatch odoi. 'What's tute? he pens to the prastramengro; 'I'll del you thrin bar to lel your chuckko offus an' koor mandy.

"He's a boro pappin, and that's Romany for a large goose, my Gorgious rye, for I asked no gold." "You told him to ask five thousand pounds." "May I die in a ditch if I did!" cried Chaldea vehemently. "Touch the gold of the raclan I would not, though I wanted bread. The tiny rye took the letter to give to the prastramengro, and that's a policeman, my gentleman, so that there might be trouble.

A rakli acai lelled a hora waver divvus from a waver rakli, and the one who nashered it pens: "Del it pauli a mandi and I wont dukker tute! Del it apre!" But the waver rakli penned "kek," and so they bitchered for the prastramengro. He lelled the juva to the wardo, and just before she welled odoi, she hatched her wast in her poachy, an' chiv it avree, and the prastramengro hatched it apre.