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"My rye doesn't love me yet, but he will, when I get him away from the Gentile lady's spells. They draw him, brother, they draw him." "Where do they draw him to?" demanded Pine, his voice thick with passion. "To the Gorgious house of the baro rai, the brother of your romi. Like an owl does he go after dusk to watch the nest." "Owl," muttered Pine savagely. "Cuckoo, rather.

She loves you so, that she could have wished to have seen you eat it all; good-bye, brother, I daresay when I am gone you will eat some more of it, and if you don't I daresay you have eaten enough to to show your love for us. After all, it was a poor person's cake, a Rommany manricli, and all you gorgios are somewhat gorgious. Farewell, brother, pretty brother, grey-haired brother. Come, juggal."

"He's a boro pappin, and that's Romany for a large goose, my Gorgious rye, for I asked no gold." "You told him to ask five thousand pounds." "May I die in a ditch if I did!" cried Chaldea vehemently. "Touch the gold of the raclan I would not, though I wanted bread. The tiny rye took the letter to give to the prastramengro, and that's a policeman, my gentleman, so that there might be trouble.

Now Bess is of blood gorgious; if you doubt it, look at her face, all full of pawno ratter, white blood, brother; and as for gentility, nobody can make exceptions to Bess's gentility, seeing she was born in the workhouse of Melford the Short." Mr Petulengro sees in Bess another advantage.

Hearne, for Hearne he was, and a gentle Romany also, read the letter, saying that the raclan, his own romi, was running away with you." "Who wrote the letter?" demanded Agnes indignantly. This time Chaldea answered her fiercely. "You did, my Gorgious rani, and lie as you may, it's the truth I tell." Ill as he was, Lambert could not endure seeing the girl insult Agnes.

Yes, my gorgious angel, sit down by the poor bodies' fire, and eat a sweetmeat. We want to ask you a question or two; only first put that serpent away. Myself. I can sit down, and bid the serpent go to sleep, that's easy enough; but as for eating a sweetmeat, how can I do that? I have not got one, and where am I to get it? Woman.

"I know that the Gentle Pine is really one of us," interrupted the girl quickly. "Ishmael Hearne is his name." "Sir Hubert Pine?" "Ishmael Hearne," insisted Chaldea pertly. "He comes to the fire of the Gentle Romany when he wearies of your Gorgious flesh-pots."

I was surprised, and so was Rapkin the same, to see you ridin' off this morning in the gorgious chariot and 'osses, and dressed up that lovely! 'Depend upon it, I says to Rapkin, I says, 'depend upon it, Mr. Ventimore'll be sent for to Buckinham Pallis, if it ain't Windsor Castle!" "Never mind that now," said Horace, impatiently; "I want that brass bottle I bought the other day.

She loves you so, that she could have wished to have seen you eat it all; good-bye, brother, I daresay when I am gone you will eat some more of it, and if you don't, I daresay you have eaten enough to to show your love for us. After all it was a poor person's cake, a Rommany manricli, and all you gorgios are somewhat gorgious. Farewell, brother, pretty brother, gray-haired brother. Come, juggal.

"You will help me to learn the truth?" "Surely! Surely! my Gorgious one. And now," Mother Cockleshell gave a tug at the donkey's mouth, "I goes my ways." "But where can I find you again?" "When the time comes the mouth will open, and them as thinks they're high will find themselves in the dust.