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Premature birth ought to be avoided, because the child born too early is insufficiently equipped for the task before him. Astengo, dealing with nearly 19,000 cases at the Lariboisière Hospital in Paris and the Maternité, found, that reckoning from the date of the last menstruation, there is a direct relation between the weight of the infant at birth and the length of the pregnancy. The longer the pregnancy, the finer the child (Astengo, Rapport du Poids des Enfants

What is the consequence? at once its visible connexion with the Latin 'tempus, with the Spanish 'tiempo, with the Italian 'tempo, with its own 'temporel' and 'temporaire, is broken, and for many effaced. Or note the result from another point of view. Here are 'poids' a weight, 'poix' pitch, 'pois' peas.

"De ces jours de triomphe le troupeau vulgaire Qui pèse au même poids L'histrion ridicule et le génie austère Vous mets sur le pavois." M. Saint-Saëns has now grown old, and his fame has spread abroad, but he has not capitulated. You will know the lying eyes, the insincerity Of pressures of the hand, The mask of friendship that hides jealousy. The tame to-morrows

No one could mark in speaking the distinction between these; and thus to the ear there maybe confusion between them, but to the eye there is none; not to say that the d in poids' puts it for us in relation with 'pondus, the x in 'poix' with 'pux, the s in 'pois' with the Low Latin 'pisum. In each case the letter which these reformers would dismiss as useless, and worse than useless, keeps the secret of the word.

With Jules Romains, Scriabine would have cried to his audiences: "Tu vas mourir tantot, sous le poids de tes heures: Les hommes, delies, glisseront par les portes, Les ongles de la nuit t'arracheront la chair. Qu'importe!

Exact experiments, made by LEFEVRE-GINEAU, with instruments constructed by FORTIN, shewed the weight of the cubic decimetre of distilled water, at the point of the greatest condensation to be 18827.15 grains of the pile of 50 marcs, which is preserved here in the Hotel de la Monnaie, and is called Le poids de Charlemagne; the toise being supposed at 13 degrees of the thermometer of 80 degrees.

Another shell struck in the middle of the Poids Public, or public weighing-place, which is about the size of Russell Square in London. It blew a hole in the cobblestone- pavement large enough to bury a horse in; one policeman on duty at the far end of the square was instantly killed and another had both legs blown off. But this was not all nor nearly all.

Meantime the conspirators, in order to get a better command of the besiegers, reopened a passage which had been long walled up between the tower Du Poids and the tower of the Dominicans.

«Les différences ne sont donc pas très-significantes, et les ressemblances sont au contraire du plus grand poids. Ce qui leur donne

Je voudrois retourner sur mes pas; 'Marche, Marche! Un poids invincible nous entraine; il faut sans cesse avancer vers le precipice. On se console pourtant, parce que de tems en tems on rencontre des objets qui nous divertissent, des eaux courantes, des fleurs qui passent.