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A manlier man than Sterling Morton, one more thoughtful, kind, considerate, self-reliant, hopeful, I have not known. Truly 'A man he seemed, of cheerful yesterdays, And confident to-morrows. Of few men could it more truly be said, 'He took counsel ever of his courage never of his fears. With firm convictions upon pending vital issues, he did not shrink from the conflict.

So far as he was concerned, the earth was without form and void. There was nothing to wait or hope for. There was nothing to live for, neither cheerful yesterdays nor confident to-morrows. What was the use in living? He looked down at the slender creature lying outstretched almost at his feet, shaken with the agony of long-repressed grief, and then at his long, muscular hands.

Aurora, uplifted on a great wonder and pride and illogical happiness, was thinking of the days to come, the immediate to-morrows, rich in a tenderness profounder still than that which had linked her before to the companion staring at the stars beside her; she thought of how she should through a wise firmness and God's help steer their course into ways of a safer and longer happiness than that which he had tendered.

Mark's friend pronounced his disease an aggravated kind of fever, accompanied with ague; which was very common in those parts, and which he predicted would be worse to-morrow, and for many more to-morrows. He had had it himself off and on, he said, for a couple of years or so; but he was thankful that, while so many he had known had died about him, he had escaped with life.

Git a-movin' if you have to take your hands and lift your doggone feet off the ground. Git a-goin'!" "Oh, maybe I go mañana." "You're dreamin', hombre." Pete was desperate. Again he saw his chance of an immediate job go glimmering down the vague vistas of many to-morrows. "See here! What kind of a guy are you, anyhow?

No one wanted to read about it. Shops had redecorated their windows with the necessities and luxuries of civilian requirements. There was a wave of spendthrift extravagance abroad. Every one in the streets had the look of being out for a good time. The threat of torturing to-morrows no longer made life haggard.

She liked to see that look of power in his gray-blue eyes softened to the droll, half-tender, expression with which he played the game of make-believe. There were no to-morrows; to-day marked the limit of time for them. By tacit consent they lived only in the present, shutting out deliberately from their knowledge of each other, that past which was not common to both.

Well, well,” said he, “I’ll send a man to each of the three stations within walking distance; and whether he’s out or in, we’ll have him by to-morrow morning. I’ve always taken care that he had no money in his pockets.” But what is a doctor’s care against a woman’s heart? For many to-morrows Clankwood had to lament the loss of the gifted Francis Beveridge.

Constance is to bring aristocracy into the family now." "Tell her to tear up that million. I'll get her another one," offered Johnny easily. "You'll need some repairs before you start," she suggested. "They tell me you're down and out." "Tell them to guess again!" he indignantly retorted. "I own all the to-morrows in the world. There's money in every one of them."

The ragged prodigal has not much to leave which need hold him, but many such a one says, 'I will arise and go to my father to-morrow, and lets all the to-morrows become yesterdays, and is sitting among the swine still. Low as the prodigal's motive for return was, the fact of his return was enough. So is it in regard to our attitude to the gospel.