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Afraid of being caught loitering Archie hurried down to the meadow that stretched away from the house and stumbled into a flock of sheep. He left the sheep, rather envying their placid existence, and was on his way to the laborers' shack when the Governor stepped into his path. "Mooning? Perky and I have been smoking our pipes off yonder in the woods.

"Tim's got a little too perky because I let him get ahead of me one night in a drill of turnips." "Yeh done yer best, didn't he, Webster?" cried Tim with indignation. "Well, he certainly was making some pretty big gashes in them drills," said Webster slowly. "Oh, get out!" replied Perkins. "Though all the same Tim's quite a turnip-hoer," he conceded. "Hello!

A mouth originally large enough, and thickly lipped like a negro's, had been extended, as it seemed, to his left ear by a savage sword slash which had healed very badly. He had an air of mean, perky intelligence, as of one of low rank and no breeding who had for many years been accustomed to cringe to the great and domineer over smaller fry than himself.

"Now you and the lads must be wonderful hungry, for 'tis near two hours after dinner time, and dinner's been waitin' this long while." "Aye, hungry as seven bears and as happy and perky as a cock pa'tridge," boomed Skipper Zeb. "We'll make the boats fast, and be right up." What an appetite Charley had!

Putney Congdon had been in a hospital recovering from the bullet wound received at Bailey Harbor, but was now arriving at his father's Ohio farm, where his child, the lamb referred to, was concealed. Putney was to be kept in ignorance of the lure of the tampered coins that had brought Perky into alliance with his father, and Perky was to interest himself in wood-chopping during the son's visit.

She placed the small dishes in orderly array before her; she poised herself lightly on the edge of the chair and nibbled there was no other word for it as a perky little chipmunk might, the morsels she raised gracefully to her mouth. She was genuinely hungry and for a few minutes devoted her attention to the matter in hand.

Relieved by the scrutiny, she stepped into a soft rose cashmere frock and buttoned up the long, close-fitting bodice, settled the little ruffle at the throat, and adjusted with deft fingers the perky folds of the bustle. "Making-up makes one look so much better that it makes one feel better," she reflected.

The direction of the swim was determined a little by the genius of the place for places have a genius, though the less we talk about it the better and a good deal by the tutors and resident fellows, who treated with rare dexterity the products that came up yearly from the public schools. They taught the perky boy that he was not everything, and the limp boy that he might be something.

He's as sore as a boil because Putney's blown in and he's got to make a feint at honest labor. Perky has a very delicate touch with the tools of his trade and he'd just got his laboratory fixed up in the garret where he's been doctoring gold pieces to beat the band. He says old Eliphalet is more and more delighted with his work. The more he's delighted the better the sport for us."

"He'll hardly ram the tug, though he may be fool enough to try it." The Arthur B. Grover had rounded the point and was feeling its way toward Heart o' Dreams. Archie recognized Perky, industriously taking soundings and lazily giving orders to the man at the wheel. "How much does she show?" called the Governor. "A coupla clothes lines deep," replied Perky without taking the pipe from his mouth.