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"I hope her Highness got an eyeful of me shooting the chutes," said he, "for that's my farewell trip positively my last appearance in any water act." "Mighty decent of you and the Kid to volunteer," Pierce told him. "It sure was," the other agreed. "Takes a coupla daredevils like him and me to pull that kind of a bonehead play." Mr.

But if I do that, can you fix the rest?" "It'll cost money." "How much will you need?" "A coupla thousand to start with. More before I've finished. I've got to salve the cops." Bromfield had prepared for this contingency. He counted out a thousand dollars in bills of large denominations. "I'll cut that figure in two. Understand. He's not to be hurt. I won't have any rough work."

I'm quittin' in a coupla months. Hell! Me stay with this bunch!" The Charley Moores are always going to change jobs next month. They do, once or twice in their careers, after which they sit around comparing their last job with the present one, to the infinite disparagement of the latter. "What do you get?" asked Dalyrimple curiously. "Me? I get sixty." This rather defiantly.

I knew they was comin'. They got three four boats now. One feller, name of Prebol he's bad, too was shot by a lady above Cairo. He's with a coupla gamblers to Caruthersville now. Everybody stops yeah; I know everybody; everybody knows me."

It's a fifty-to-one shot. Tools are lost, the casin' collapses, the cable breaks, money gives out, shootin' is badly done, water filters in, or oil ain't there in payin' quantities. In a coupla years you can buy a deskful of no-good stock for a dollar Mex." "Then why is everybody in it?" "We've all been bit by this get-rich-quick bug.

Kid Bridges was of like mind, for he said: "Sure! We was a coupla brave guys in Dyea, but what's the good of runnin' up to an undertaker and giving him your measurements? He'll get a tape-line on you soon enough." "Then you don't intend to chance it?" Pierce inquired. Broad scowled at the questioner. "Say! I wouldn't walk down that place if it was froze." "Nor me," the other gambler seconded.

Dug sump holes. Shot a coupla wells. Went in with a fellow on a star rig as pardner. Went busted and took Crawford's offer to be handy man for him. Tha's about all, except that I own stock in two-three dead ones and some that ain't come to life yet." The road was full of chuck holes and very dusty, both faults due to the heavy travel that went over it day and night.

"Don't rush me off my feet, old-timer," he said gayly. "Gimme a coupla hours to think of it, and I'll let you know what I'll do. This is real sudden, Johnnie. You must 'a' been a terror with the ladies when you was a bachelor. Me, I never kidnaped one before." "Onct in a while you got to play like you're gonna treat 'em rough," said Mr. Green sagely, blushing a trifle nevertheless. "All right.

"We gotta find out what's doin'. Chances are it's nothin' but a coupla bunches of braves with a cargo of redeye aboard, Tom, you an' Brad scout out an' take a look-see. Don't be too venturesome. Soon's you find out what the rumpus is, hot-foot it back and report, y' understand." The big wolfer snapped out directions curtly. There was no more competent wagon boss in the border-land than he.

"It come after I was married. I met yore maw at Rawlins. She was workin' at the railroad restaurant waitin' on table. For a coupla years we lived there, an' I wish to God we'd never left. But Jake persuaded 'Lindy I'd ought to take up land, so we moved back to the Park an' I preëmpted. Everything was all right at first. You was born, an' we was right happy.