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Pistol-ball shot through the sternocleido muscle of one side of the neck, emerging through the corresponding muscle of the other side of the neck. Sabre-thrust between the bones of the left forearm. Pistol-shot through the left pectoralis major and left deltoid muscles. Deep cut dividing the commissure between the left thumb and forefinger down to the carpal bones.

A great, fan-shaped muscle, called the pectoralis major, lies on the chest. It extends from the chest to the arm and helps draw the arm inward and forward. Its use is to bend the forearm on the arm, an act familiarly known as "trying your muscle." Its direct antagonist is the three-headed muscle called the triceps.

The pectoralis major, for example, may be absent on one or on both sides, without, however, causing any disability, as other muscles enlarge and take on its functions. Atrophy of Muscle.

If the left arm be raised to a vertical position and dropped to a horizontal, somewhat vigorously, the tapering ends of the pectoralis major and the tendons of the biceps and deltoid may be felt by pressing the parts in the axilla between the fingers and thumb of the right hand. The action of its antagonist, the triceps, may be studied in the same manner.

Hiaticula monacha. nigrifrons. ruficapilla. Erythrogonys cinctus, GOULD. Leipoa ocellata, GOULD. Pedionomus torquatus, GOULD. Turnix varius. velox, GOULD. Coturnix pectoralis, GOULD. Synoicus Australis. Sinensis. Grus Antigone?

Xerophila leucopsis, GOULD. Colluricincla cinerea, VIG. and HORSF.? Pachycephala gutturalis, VIG. and HORSF. inornata, GOULD.? pectoralis, VIG. and HORSF. rufogularis, GOULD. Artamus sordidus. personatus, GOULD. Cracticus destructor, TEMM. Gymnorhina leuconota, GOULD. Grallina melanoleuca, VIEILL. Strepera ? Campephaga humeralis, GOULD.? Graucalus melanops, VIG. and HORSF. Cinclosoma punctatum, VIG. and HORSF. castanotus, GOULD. Malurus cyaneus, VIEILL. melanotus, GOULD. leucopterus, QUOY AND GAIM. Lamberti, VIG. and HORSF. Stipiturus malachurus, LESS. Cysticola exilis?

If the paralysis persists, the sterno-costal portion of the pectoralis major may be transplanted to the lower angle of the scapula. The long thoracic nerve may be cut across while clearing out the axilla in operating for cancer of the breast.

Of the trunk: The pectoralis major, between the upper front part of the thorax and the shoulder; the trapezius, between the back of the shoulders and the spine; the rectus abdominis, passing over the abdomen from above downward; and the erector spinæ, found in the small of the back. Of the hips: The glutens maximus, fastened between the lower back part of the hips and the upper part of the femur.

The axillary glands are arranged in groups: a central group lies embedded in the axillary fascia and fat, and is often related to an opening in it; a posterior or subscapular group lies along the line of the subscapular vessels; anterior or pectoral groups lie behind the pectoralis minor, along the medial side of the axillary vein, and an inter-pectoral group, between the two pectoral muscles.