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The Grey Phalarope is included in Professor Ansted's list, but no letters marking its distribution through the Islands are added, perhaps because it was considered to be generally distributed through all of them. There is no specimen at present in the Museum. HERON. Ardea cinerea, Linnaeus. French, "Heron cendré", "Heron huppé."

Botrytis cinerea is its name and it seizes upon stalk and leaves in the form of spots that are at first yellow and then deepen in colour, until finally, having sapped the vitality of the plant, it succumbs.

What can the Clotho do with a Pupa cinerea, a Pupa quadridens and other narrow spirals wherein the animal retreats to an inaccessible depth? The Spider is incapable of breaking the calcareous shell or of getting at the hermit through the opening. Then why should she collect those prizes, whose slimy flesh is probably not to her taste? We begin to suspect a simple question of ballast and balance.

Xerophila leucopsis, GOULD. Colluricincla cinerea, VIG. and HORSF.? Pachycephala gutturalis, VIG. and HORSF. inornata, GOULD.? pectoralis, VIG. and HORSF. rufogularis, GOULD. Artamus sordidus. personatus, GOULD. Cracticus destructor, TEMM. Gymnorhina leuconota, GOULD. Grallina melanoleuca, VIEILL. Strepera ? Campephaga humeralis, GOULD.? Graucalus melanops, VIG. and HORSF. Cinclosoma punctatum, VIG. and HORSF. castanotus, GOULD. Malurus cyaneus, VIEILL. melanotus, GOULD. leucopterus, QUOY AND GAIM. Lamberti, VIG. and HORSF. Stipiturus malachurus, LESS. Cysticola exilis?

There are numerous varieties, including a white-flowered E. cinerea alba; E. cinerea atro-purpurea, bearing dark purple flowers; E. cinerea atro-sanguinea, dark red flowers; E. cinerea coccinea, scarlet; E. cinerea purpurea, purple flowers; and E. cinerea rosea, with deep rose-coloured flowers. E. MEDITERRANEA. Mediterranean Heath. Portugal, 1648.

E. CILIARIS. A pretty native species, with ciliate glandular leaves, and racemes of highly-coloured, rosy flowers. Found in Dorsetshire and Cornwall. E. CINEREA, Gray-leaved Heath. In this species, also a native of Britain, the flowers are of a reddish-purple colour, and borne in dense terminal racemes.

When you wish to speak of our northeastern song sparrow in the latest scientific way, you must say Melospiza cinerea melodia, which tells us that it is a melodious song finch, ashy or brown in colour. Our winter sparrows are easy to identify.

French, "Fauvette grise," "Bec-fin Grisette." The Whitethroat has hitherto perhaps been better known by the name used in the former edition of 'Yarrell' and by Messrs. Degland and Gerbe, Curruca cinerea, but in consequence of the inexorable rule of the British Association the name "rufa," given by Boddaert in 1783, has now been accepted for this bird.

Swinhoe, R., on the common rat in Formosa and China; behaviour of lizards when caught; on the sounds produced by the male hoopoe; on Dicrurus macrocercus and the spoonbill; on the young of Ardeola; on the habits of Turnix; on the habits of Rhynchaea bengalensis; on Orioles breeding in immature plumage. Sylvia atricapilla, young of. Sylvia cinerea, aerial love-dance of the male.