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It was these people subsequently killed out by the British settlers on Newfoundland who originated the term "Red Indians", or, in French, Peaux Rouges, because their skins, like those of so many other Amerindians, were painted with red ochre. Many of the British Columbian peoples made themselves artificially ugly by flattening the sides of the head.

They also dress goats skins, and join several together to give them more breadth; they are known under the name of peaux de maures, are excellent, and afford a complete defence against the rain: in form, they nearly resemble the dress of a Capuchin; they sell all these articles in the interior, as well as goldsmiths work, which they manufacture with only a hammer, and a little anvil; but their chief commerce, which is very extensive, is in salt, which they carry to Tombuctoo, and to Sego, large and very populous cities, situated in the interior of Africa.

I found another poem his "Amsterdam." Les maisons pointues ont l'air de pencher. On dirait Qu'elles tombent. Les mâts des vaisseaux qui s'embrouillent Dans le ciel sont penchés comme des branches sèches Au milieu de verdure, de raye, de rouille, De harengs saurs, de peaux de moutons et de bouille.

Tantot ils font lutter, dans des combats affreux, L'homme contre la brute et les hommes entre eux, Aux longs ruisseaux de sang qui coulent de la veine, Aux palpitations des membres sur l'arene, Se levant a demi de leurs lits de repos Des frissons de plaisir fremissent sur leurs peaux. Le cri de la torture est leur douce harmonie, Et leur oeil dans son oeil boit sa lente agonie.

I would ask questions only when you said I might." "Veil, now, dot's a good idea. Mine eyes vas getten old, und you vas young, put it von't last; you vas a young ding, und girls vas vlighty and vant vat you call him? peaux und vrolics ven der nights vas goot and glear." "Try me," said Mildred, with a little emphatic nod.

"Lorsque avec ses enfants vetus de peaux de bêtes, Echevele, livide au milieu des tempètes, Cain se fut enfui de devant Jehovah, "Comme le soir tombait, l'homme sombre arriva Au bas d'une montagne en une grande plaine; Sa femme fatiguée et ses fils hors d'haleine; Lui dire: 'Couchons-nous sur la terre et dormons."