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«Enfin toute cette montagne, une des plus hautes des Alpes Poenines, qui conserve des neiges et de glaces permanentes, est composée en général de pierres et de roches schisteuses, dont les couches et les lits sont plus on moins sensibles et inclinés, et d'une grande dureté.

Before I saw, I felt that life was in the great room, usually void: not that there was either stir or breath, or rustle of sound, but Vacuum lacked, Solitude was not at home. All the white beds the "lits d'ange," as they were poetically termed lay visible at a glance; all were empty: no sleeper reposed therein.

In vain did les femmes strain their necks and eyes to find the black man who was stronger than six Frenchmen. And B. and I noticed our bed-clothing airing upon the window-sills. When we mounted, Jean was patting and straightening our blankets, and looking for the first time in his life guilty of some enormous crime. Nothing however had disappeared. Jean said, "Me feeks lits tous les jours."

The ground-floor consisted of various levels joined by steps and wide-jambed doors. The chambers, to which a box staircase led, wanted nothing except canopies over the beds. "Alors I give de convenable beds," said Madame Clementine, in mixed French and English, as she poked her mattresses. "Des bons lits!

De otomobeels kiver nuder passag' in de Bible which seze de peeple 'll rid' on de streets widout hosses en mules." "Mah fav'rite songs am "I Gwine to Jine de Gideon Band," and "Keep Yo' Lits Bunnin'." "Ter ole now ter wuk an' mah haid don' se'm ter be tergedder an' I'se gits he'ps frum de Welfare." INTERVIEW ANN MATTHEWS 719 9th Ave. South Nashville, Tennessee

As we were delayed by a little accident it was getting dark when we rumbled along below the great wall of Peking into the noisy station alive with the clamour of rickshaw boys and hotel touts. In fifteen minutes I was in my comfortable quarters at the Hôtel des Wagons Lits, keen for the excitement of the first view of one of the world's great historic capitals.

Behold both Nitouche and the trembling peasant-girl, together with the brasses as evidence, all could be brought at an instant's call, into the open court. Were the maids were Marianne or Lizette neglecting their work to flirt with the coachmen in the sheds yonder? "Allons, mes filles doucement, la-bas et vos lits? qui les fait les bons saints du paradis, peut-etre?"

A.3: Headon series, Isle of Wight: Calcaire siliceux, or Travertin Inferieur. A.4: Barton series. Sands and clays of Barton Cliff, Hants: Gres de Beauchamp, or Sables Moyens. B.1: Bracklesham series: Calcaire Grossier. B.2: Alum Bay and Bournemouth beds: Wanting in France? B.2: Wanting in England?: Soissonnais Sands, or Lits Coquilliers. C.1: London Clay: Argile de Londres, Cassel, near Dunkirk.

Tantot ils font lutter, dans des combats affreux, L'homme contre la brute et les hommes entre eux, Aux longs ruisseaux de sang qui coulent de la veine, Aux palpitations des membres sur l'arene, Se levant a demi de leurs lits de repos Des frissons de plaisir fremissent sur leurs peaux. Le cri de la torture est leur douce harmonie, Et leur oeil dans son oeil boit sa lente agonie.

Yet those plutocratic travellers up in the wagons lits were not having anything like the "good time" we enjoyed, warm in our motor coats, sitting snug behind our rock, a lamp from the car illuminating our little party and shining on Molly's piquant profile as she brewed savoury messes in her magic cauldron.