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Only the vessels of the king and the nomarch and the barge of Senci were not involved in the uproarious revel that followed. The fates were amiable and no mishaps occurred in spite of the recklessness of the pastime. Men and women alike took part in the play, and the general temper of the merrymakers was good-natured and innocent.

Merenra, now nomarch of Bubastis, but whilom commander over Israel at Pa-Ramesu, paused one noon with his train at the well. The governor glanced at the soldier, glanced again, shrugged his shoulders and rode away. The man-at-arms winced, and often thereafter stood in abstracted contemplation of the distance.

"With Ramses XIII perished not only a pharaoh, but the twentieth dynasty, which was full of glory." Among those present rose a murmur. "The dynasty has not ended," interrupted the powerful nomarch of Memphis, almost harshly. "The worthy Queen Niort's is still living, therefore the throne belongs to her." After a time Herhor answered: "My most worthy consort, Queen Niort's."

"Because this is the land of a great lord named Sesofris." "Ho! ho!" laughed Ramses. "Laugh not, for Thou wilt grow pale soon. The lord Sesofris is secretary to the lord Chaires, who carries his fan for the most worthy nomarch of Memphis. My father has seen him and fallen on his face before him." "Ho! ho! ho!" repeated Ramses, laughing continually.

Mentezufis looked around among the great columns, closed the door, quenched the torches, and in that lower chamber there remained only one light, that which burned before a statue of Horus. The dignitaries sat down on three stone benches. "If I were commanded to describe the character of Ramses XIII," said the nomarch of Abs, "I should be unable to do so." "He is a maniac!" said Mefres.

Did the prince visit thy lady last night?" inquired Mefres. "Thou hast said it, great prophet." "This is wonderful!" whispered Mefres to the nomarch. The second witness was Sarah's cook, the third her waiting woman.

When they entered the chamber on the first story, they saw Sarah kneeling at the cradle in such a posture as if nursing the child. On the wall and the pavement were blood spots. The nomarch grew so weak that he was forced to sit down, but Mefres was calm. He approached Sarah, touched her arm, and said, "We come hither, lady, in the name of his holiness."

The worthy nomarch brought the choicest wines from his cellars; from the three neighboring provinces came the most beautiful dancers, the most famous musicians, the adroitest of jugglers. The prince's time was occupied thoroughly, every morning reviews of troops and receptions; later feasts, spectacles, hunting, and feasts again.

This canal is the greatest danger for Egypt, since our country might be inundated by water in one moment. It is not a question here of the treasures of the labyrinth, but of our temples, houses, fields, six millions of people, foolish, it is true, but innocent, and finally of our own lives and the lives of our children." "If that is the case" sighed the nomarch of Horti.

"I am certain that the gods will discover and punish the real murderer." At the garden gate the steward of Kama's villa stood in the road before them. "The Phoenician woman is gone. She disappeared last night." "A new misfortune," whispered the nomarch. "Have no fear," said Mefres; "she followed the prince."