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Mentezufis, as representative of the minister of war, had gone with the viceroy. The astonished Mefres came. The nomarch told of the murder of the child, and said that the police official dared not give explanations. "But are there witnesses?" inquired the high priest. "We are waiting for thy commands, holy father." They brought in Sarah's doorkeeper.

What do the other priests say to this?" "Perhaps in our sacred papyruses there is mention that in old times there were prophets among us who had the gift of suspending themselves in the air; so the desires of Mefres do not astonish priests nowadays.

Chorus II. "O ye who are living on the earth, when ye pass this way, if life be dear to you and death be repulsive, if ye desire that your dignities pass to your descendants, repeat this prayer for the heaven- dweller who is placed here." Mefres.

Of the volunteers, three-fourths were in the pay of the priesthood. "May he live, his holiness Herhor, our lord!" cried Eunana, waving his bloody axe. "May he live through eternity!" repeated the warriors and priests, and all fell on their faces. The most worthy Herhor raised his hands and blessed them. On leaving the court of the temple, Mefres went to the underground chamber to Lykon.

Tell her that we Chaldeans hate Assyria more than do the Egyptians, for we endure the burden of its rule; but still we recommend to the Egyptians peace with that bloodthirsty nation. Ten years is a short period; after that not only can ye regain your ancient place, but ye can save us.." "That is true!" added Mefres.

"Amon is Herhor and Mefres. That they will not agree I know; but I have no intention of sacrificing Egypt to the stubbornness of two persons." "Thou art mistaken, holiness," answered Sem with dignity. "It is true that very often statues of gods do what high priests wish, but not always. In our temples mysterious and uncommon things happen sometimes.

I am here because I found plans in the temple of Set; Thou hast come by the grace of the immortal Ptah," concluded Samentu, laughing. "Bind that traitor and liar!" cried Mefres. Samentu moved back a couple of steps, drew forth quickly from under his garment a vial, and said, while raising it to his lips, "Mefres, Thou wilt be an idiot till death. Thou hast wit only when it is a question of money."

On his face appeared a slight flush, and his upraised hands dropped. He sighed, rubbed his eyes like a man roused from sleep, looked at the priests, and said after a while, turning to the eldest, "Thou art Mefres, high priest of the temple of Ptah in Memphis. Thou art Herhor, high priest of Amon in Thebes, the first dignity in this state after the pharaoh.

If he could only forget the cries of that man whom they had covered with boiling pitch! "We may begin," said Mefres. Pentuer went to the middle of the amphitheatre and clapped his hands. From the low buildings a crowd of female dancers issued forth, and priests came out with music, also with a small statue of the goddess Hator.

From these answers the worthy nomarch saw that Mefres hated the prince, and his heart sank in him. If they proved that Ramses had killed his own son, the heir would never ascend the throne of his fathers, and the heavy yoke of the priesthood would weigh down still more mightily on Egypt.