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"Any close-ter?" she asked over her silver-bowed spectacles. She came to his side and they placidly conversed. As she began to leave him, "No," she said, "we kin wish, but we mustn' meddle. All any of us want' or got any rights to want is to see 'em on speakin' terms. F'om dat on, hands off. Leave de rest to de fitness o' things, de everlast'n' fitness o' things!"

"I reckon there's scarce an inch of paint left on my front door," she observed, as the man steadied her with an arm round her waist, and settled her comfortably in the stern-sheets. He unshipped his oars and began to pull. "Ay. I heard 'em whackin' the door with a deal o' tow-row. They was going it like billy-O when I came past the Town Quay. But one mustn' complain, May-mornin's."

"You see," she added with a fine air of mystery, "there's others mixed up in this." Mrs. Damper sighed. "Well, I mustn' detain you . . . This Arthur Miles Chandon he's not a friend of yours by any chance?" "He's a sort of connection," said Tilda. "You know 'im, p'r'aps?" "Dear me, no!" "Oh," the child, without intending it, achieved a fine irony "I thought you seemed interested.

Between you an' me, that's partly why we cut an' run. You mustn' think we 'ate school if on'y they'd teach us what's useful. 'Oo's Joseph Arch?" "He was born at Barford," said the wagoner; "an' at Barford he lives." "'E must be a remarkable man," said Tilda, "an' I'm sorry I don't know more of 'im. But I know Gavel." "Gavel?" "'Im as the 'orse belongs to; an' Bill.

'Bias halted in the roadway, and casting back his head took a long stare up at the gasometer. "You mustn' hurry me," he said, "I've got to enjoy everything." "No hurry at all," said Cai, from whose heart the words lifted a burden at least as heavy as the musical box under his arm. "Hullo! here's Bill Tregaskis with his missus! . . . Evenin', William good evenin', ma'am!"

"You mustn' run away wi' the notion that I ain't satisfied as things are. Four and five per cent and that's what you get for me does best in the main. I can live within the income and sleep o' nights. But once in a way " "Ay," interrupted Mr Rogers, "and more especially when it's to oblige a friend." 'Bias withdrew the pipe from his mouth and stared.

De Lawd mowt move me to do most fo' de one what least fitt'n' to" she choked "to die. An' yit ag'in dat mowt depen' on de circumstances o' de time bein'." "Well, it mustn't, Rebecca, it mustn't!" "Y' yass'm no'm'm! Mustn' it?" "No, in any case you must do as I tell you." "Oh, o' co'se! yass'm!" "So promise, now, that in any pinch you'll try first to save your son." "Yass'm."

"We must lengthen out the time," said the practical child. "Please God, he'll die afore it's finished." "You mustn' talk irreligious," said her elderly friend. "Besides, there's nothin' amiss with him, settin' aside his foolishness. I've a-thought sometimes, now, o' buildin' a boat down here, an', when the time came, makin' believe to exchange.

To him it was a marvellous place; and somewhere it held his secret the secret of the Island. "Talkin' of beer," said Tilda, "we mustn' forget Sam Bossom. At the 'Red Cow, he said." "But that won't be till evening," the Fat Lady warned her. "And meantime what am I to do with you. You can't hide here all day: for one reason, I got to get up and dress.

But you can't go shares in trousers: not," added 'Biades thoughtfully, "if you try ever so." "May I see the pretty penny?" coaxed Miss Oliver: for in the glimpse allowed her it had seemed an extraordinarily bright and yellow one. "You mustn' come no nearer than you are now," said 'Biades, backing a little. After an inward struggle he opened his fingers and disclosed the coin.