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One would a-thought, since the Jerusalem sinners were the worst and greatest sinners, Christ's greatest enemies, and those that not only despised his person, doctrine, and miracles, but that, a little before, had had their hands up to the elbows in his heart's blood, that he should rather have said, Go into all the world, and preach repentance and remission of sins among all nations; and, after that, offer the same to Jerusalem; yea, it had been infinite grace if he had said so.

Limp as he was so you'd a-thought there wasn't any yell in him Boston let off a yell that likely was heard clear across the mesa at San Juan! "Shoot!" says the Hen. "I can't. I'm too frightened. Shoot quick or we are lost!" She let go of him, so he could reach down to where he'd spilled his gun-shop and get a weepon; but Boston wasn't on the shoot, and he hadn't no use for weepons just then.

Well, any way, there ain't much help in man if a ship comes ashore in such a gale as this, such a dark night too." "It's kind o' lonesome to have poor little Mara away such a night as this is," said Mrs. Pennel; "but who would a-thought it this afternoon, when Aunt Roxy took her?"

I'd a-thought he'd kept 'em in the safe down at the store." Matt had just been considering the vision of the throttled man as he had last looked upon him in the dim light of the electric lantern; but he did not start at the mention of him. "There's no tellin'," he answered. "He might a-been getting ready to chuck his pardner.

It was between deals when Wood and Boston come in, and Santa got up from the table and crossed over to 'em Charley always was that polite you'd a-thought he was a fish-hook with pants on and told Boston he hoped he seen him well, and was glad he'd come along.

"Wish I had a big bag!" exclaimed Washington, as he began filling all his pockets with the precious metal and gems. "If I had a-thought I'd have brought a dress-suit case!" "A dress-suit case full of diamonds!" exclaimed Mark. Then he too, as did all the others, fell to filling his pockets with the wealth spread so lavishly before them.

"Good Lord!" cried the jailer, aghast; "who'd a-thought it? What do you want?" "To see the prisoner," responded Sybilla. "You can't see him, then," said the jailer, gruffly. "He ain't going to see anybody this last night, ma'am." "Mr. Markham" she came over and laid her velvet paw on his arm, and magnetized him with her big black eyes "think better of it. It is his last night.

Where he did not order he condescended. He showed me an Irish constabulary revolver which he had received from "his old friend, Lord Francis Conyngham 'pon honour, he was delighted to meet him. It was good for sore eyes who'd a-thought of his turning up there!" Splendidly inflated Martin was when he spoke of "his servants." This thing was entertaining until he grew presumptuous.

It was some minutes before he said anything more. "Shorty," he said, with a sadness in his tone that would almost have moved a mule to tears, "who'd a-thought rd ever git as low down 's this, to have them all-fired graybacks, 's ye call 'em, crawlin' over me. How'd mother feel if she knew about 'em. She wouldn't sleep a wink fer a month!" "Ye'll have to come to it. Si.

One would a-thought, since the Jerusalem sinners were the worst and greatest sinners, Christ's greatest enemies, and those that not only despised his person, doctrine, and miracles, but that a little before had had their hands up to the elbows in his heart-blood, that he should rather have said, Go into all the world, and preach repentance and remission of sins among all nations; and after that offer the same to Jerusalem; yea, it had been infinite grace, if he had said so.