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That arm in those places is very short indeed, for I have myself met dozens of murderers rejoicing in their freedom. Hell is only for Protestants. On the door of my lodging I found one morning a written paper, well pasted on, which read: MUERA! VIVA LA VIRGEN CON TODOS LOS SANTOS! "Die! Live the Virgin and all the Saints!" That paper I took from the door and keep as a souvenir of fanaticism.

"Cobarde! muera!" cried the frantic Carlist, cleaving the offender to the eyes with the fragment of his sword. The terrible example had its effect; the men stood firm for a moment, and opened a well-aimed fire on the advancing cavalry. "Jesus Cristo!" exclaimed the young aide-de-camp. Herrera looked at him. His features were convulsed with pain.

There were two other prisoners one of whom was regarded with an interest equal to that felt at the sight of the outlaw himself. This prisoner was his mother. Upon her the eyes of the multitude turned with an expression of awe mingled with indignation; while jeering and angry cries hailed her as she passed on her way to the Calabozo. "Muera la hechicera! muera!"

XI, p. 188: 'E antes de ser llevado á su cárcel, dijo quél está muy enfermo de calenturas como á sus mercedes les consta, y no tiene quien le cure en su cárcel sino un mochachico que está allí preso, que es simple; y para habelle de despertar padece trabajo con él, y ha venido dia de quedarse desmayado de hambre por no tener quien le la comida; y que suplica á sus mercedes le den un fraile de su órden que le sirva, pues en esto no hay enconveniente, si ya no quieren permitir de que muera entre cuatro paredes solo: que por reverencia de nuestro Señor se duelan dél y le den un fraile que esté en su compañía siquiera para que si se muere le ayude á bien morir; y que podrá ser que fray Alonso Siluente, que á la sazon que á este prendieron estaba en su compañía, holgaria de venir á tenérsela si está en Salamanca, ó sino que sea quien sus mercedes mandaren.

"Se les muera," y no sólo "se muera." Trabalhos de Jesus, part i. De Musset. "A voice crying in the wilderness!" ISA. xl. 3. Need is that I bring to a conclusion, for the present at any rate, these essays that threaten to become like a tale that has no ending.