United States or Somalia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

However, seeing that he was going to tell my father, I added: "We shall probably not fly, as we have no machine. There are Cavalry Regiments that have no horses, aren't there? But we are but at the beginning of our Milatary existence, and no one can tell what the next day may bring forth." "Not with you, anyhow," he said in an angry tone, and was very cold to me the rest of the dinner hour.

"When you have put on the Unaform of your Country" I said, "or at least of Plattsburg, I shall tell you my Milatary secrets, and not before." "Plattsburg!" he exclaimed. "What do you know of Plattsburg?" I then told him, and he listened, but in a very disagreeable way.

This morning I warned the new Chauffeur, feeling that if he had by chance any Milatary Secrets in the Garage he should know about William. "William!" he said, looking up from where he was in the Repair Pit at the time. "I am sorry, Henry," I said, in a quiet voice. "But I fear that William is not what he apears to be." "I think you must be mistaken, miss." He then hamered for some time.

Should not the Young be encouraged to spring to the call, "To arms, to arms, ye braves!" instead of being reproved for buying a Tent with no place as yet to put it, and the Adams's governess being sent along with Elaine because we need a Chaperone? Ye gods! A Chaperone to a Milatary Camp! She is now sitting on one of the camp stools and embroidering a centerpeice.

He was dragged to the shell plant and there locked in, because of spies. The plant is under Milatary Guard. Even when Carter found him he could not be releaced, as father was in hiding from Reporters, and would not go to the telephone or see callers. HE LABORED UNTIL TEN P. M., while the theater remained dark, and people got their money back. I have ruined him.

Before disbanding for the day I made a short speach in the shop, which was almost emty. I said that it was our intention to show the members of the Other Sex that we were ready to spring to the Country's call, and also to assist in recruiting by visiting the different Milatary Stations and there encouraging those who looked faint-hearted and not willing to fight.

Bear this in mind. We then gave the Milatary Salute and disbanded, as it was time to go home and dress for dinner. On returning to my domacile I discovered that, although the sun had set and the hour of twilight had arived, the Emblem of my Country still floated in the breese.

He then turned on the engine and made a terrable noise, to see if hitting on all cylinders. When he shut it off I told him about William spending a half hour in the Garage the day before. Although calm before he now became white with anger and said: "Just let me catch him sneaking around here, and I'll what's he after me for anyhow? I haven't got any Milatary Secrets."

She brought her own lunch and Elaine's, refusing to allow her to eat the regular Milatary rations of bacon and boiled potatoes, etcetera, and not ofering a thing to us, although having brought chicken sandwitches, cake and fruit. I shall now put down the events of the day, as although the Manual says nothing of keeping a record, I am sure it is always done.