United States or Eritrea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I went to my domacile that evening in low spirits, which were not improved by a conversation I had with Tom that night after the Familey had gone out to a Club dance. He said that he did not like women and girls who did things. "I like femanine girls," he said. "A fellow wants to be the Oak and feel the Vine clinging to him." "I am afectionate," I said, "but not clinging.

EVENING, APRIL 12TH. I returned to my domacile in time to take in Old Glory, and also to dress for dinner, being muddy and needing a bath, as we had tried bathing in the creek at the camp while Mademoiselle was asleep in the tent, but found that there was an oil well near and the water was full of oil, which stuck to us and was very disagreeable to smell.

Were even those I love best to worldly to understand a monogamous Nature? Then I went to the window and glansed out. There was no moon, but the stars were there as usual, over the roof of that emty domacile next door, whence all life had fled to the neighborhood of the Country Club. But a strange thing caught my eye and transfixed it.

Bear this in mind. We then gave the Milatary Salute and disbanded, as it was time to go home and dress for dinner. On returning to my domacile I discovered that, although the sun had set and the hour of twilight had arived, the Emblem of my Country still floated in the breese.

I fear I am one who lives for the Day only, and as such I beleive that when people smile they are happy, forgetfull that to often a smile conceals an aching and tempestuous Void within. Now I was to learn that the demon Strife had entered my domacile, there to make his or her home.