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Oh, dear Dairy, to think that it was but five hours ago that I sat and waited, while people who guessed not the inner trepadation of my heart past and repast, and glansed at me and at Leila's pink hat above. At last he came. My heart beat thunderously, as he aproached, strideing along in that familiar walk, swinging his strong and tender arms.

I had not had more than between three and four dollars worth of the evening, but I glansed again and Sis was boring holes into me with her eyes. Only Beresford knew nothing, and was trying to hold Sis's hand under her opera cloak. Any fool could tell that. But, as I was about to rise and stand poized, as one may say, for departure, I caught Adrian's eyes, with a gleam in their deep depths.

Were even those I love best to worldly to understand a monogamous Nature? Then I went to the window and glansed out. There was no moon, but the stars were there as usual, over the roof of that emty domacile next door, whence all life had fled to the neighborhood of the Country Club. But a strange thing caught my eye and transfixed it.

I sliped downstairs and outside the drawing room I heard mother conversing in a loud and angry tone with a visitor. I glansed in, and ye gods! It was the Adventuress. Drawing somwhat back, I listened. Oh, Dairy, what a revalation! "But I MUST see her," she was saying. "Time is flying. In a half hour the performance begins, and he cannot be found."

But there is one thing I could not stand, in your place having to know that he is making love to the heroine every evening and twice on Wednesdays and Bab, this is WEDNESDAY!" I glansed at my wrist watch. It was but to o'clock. Instantly, dear Dairy, I became conscious of a dual going on within me, between love and duty.

Go and tell him the Skeme, and then let his manager work it out. And tell him who I am, and that I have a lot of Ideas, but this is the only one I'm giving away." We had arived at the house by that time and I invited him to come in. But he only glansed bitterly at the Windows and observed that they had taken in the mat with Welcome on it, as far as he was concerned. And went away.