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They were, as a rule, monogamous, the wife occupying a high position in the household, and assisting her husband in offering the domestic sacrifice. At the head of each state was a king, as among the Greeks of Homer; he was not, however, an absolute monarch; his people met in council and controlled him.

When a word comes up fit to end a line with I can feel all the rhymes in the language that are fit to go with it without naming them. I have tried them all so many times, I know all the polygamous words and all the monogamous ones, and all the unmarrying ones, the whole lot that have no mates, as soon as I hear their names called.

Also these neighbors would pose personal questions to her and ask why she had so many male friends coming to the trailer at all hours. She knew her relations were more innocent than theirs. Hers were for that needed substance called money but theirs were for the sleaze and pleasure of the moment; and if they were monogamous that showed an unnatural behavior indicative of psychological dependency.

Man, as I have attempted to shew, is certainly descended from some ape-like creature. With the existing Quadrumana, as far as their habits are known, the males of some species are monogamous, but live during only a part of the year with the females: of this the orang seems to afford an instance.

See, likewise, an excellent article, evidently by the same author, in the 'North British Review, July 1869. Also, Mr. L.H. Morgan, 'A Conjectural Solution of the Origin of the Class, System of Relationship, in 'Proc. American Acad. of Sciences, vol. vii. Feb. 1868. Prof. What ancient nation, as the same author asks, can be named that was originally monogamous?

'The law of the Prophet, as you are aware, is not monogamous, said Logan; 'and the Eastern races are not averse to connections which are reprobated by our Western ideas. The real difficulty was that of religion. 'Oh, why from the heretic girl of my soul Should I fly, to seek elsewhere an orthodox kiss? hummed Logan, rather to the surprise of Lord Embleton.

‘Well, perhaps not,’ agreed Miranda; ‘I suppose a legal and permanent rival would be somewhat different, but, after all, it’s only the middle class in England who can be termed strictly monogamous the upper and lowest are as polygynous as can be. It’s only our British hypocrisy that makes us pretend monogamy is our rule!’

The Akka are viviparous. The female produces progeny at five-year intervals, never more than two at a time. They are monogamous, like certain of our own Ranidae.

And not at all aware that this pretty sentiment is as old as the race and the merest banality on the masculine tongue, signifying: "At this moment I am drawn to you, as to no other woman; but an hour hence it may be otherwise." ... How else may man, as yet imperfectly monogamous, find the mate for whom he is ever ardently questing?

In the monogamous family much greater attention can be given to the training of children by both parents. In other forms of the family not only is the death rate higher among children, but from the point of view of modern civilization, at least, they are inferiorly socialized. The monogamic family alone produces affections and emotions of the higher type.