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At last, tired of taking his revenge on the innocent, he turned his thoughts to the place he might most easily plunder, and fixed upon the island of Metraha. That island, situate in the Tana Sea, about twenty miles north of Kourata, is only a few hundred yards from the mainland.

When the grain plundered at Metraha was consumed, no more could be found; plundering was now quite impossible, and as long as Theodore did not move his camp there was no hope of supplies of any kind being obtained.

Theodore had no scruples about violating the sanctity of the island: the asylum afforded by the churches to all before his time he had long ago violated, and, certain of a large booty, did not hesitate to add another sacrilege to his numerous crimes. On his arrival before Metraha, he at once ordered his people to make rafts.

Flad from England Delivers a Letter and Message from the Queen The Episode of the Telescope Our Property taken care of Theodore will not yield except to force He Recruits his Army Ras Adilou and Zallallou desert him He is repulsed at Belessa by Lij Abitou and the Peasants The Expedition against Metraha His Cruelties there The "Great Sebastopol" is Cast Famine and Pestilence compel the Emperor to raise his Camp The Difficulties of his March to Magdala His Arrival in Dalanta.