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Flad from England Delivers a Letter and Message from the Queen The Episode of the Telescope Our Property taken care of Theodore will not yield except to force He Recruits his Army Ras Adilou and Zallallou desert him He is repulsed at Belessa by Lij Abitou and the Peasants The Expedition against Metraha His Cruelties there The "Great Sebastopol" is Cast Famine and Pestilence compel the Emperor to raise his Camp The Difficulties of his March to Magdala His Arrival in Dalanta.

In Begemder plundering was out of the: question; the peasants were always on the watch, and on the slightest sign of a move were everywhere on the alert, killing the stragglers and plunderers, and keeping out of the way of the gunmen who stood around the Emperor. Theodore remembered a rich district not as yet plundered, Belessa, at the north-east of Begemder.

Belessa was saved: the hungry, famished robbers that Theodore called soldiers passed a dreadful night; tired, hungry, and cold, they could not sleep, for the peasants might surprise and attack them, in their turn. The cruelties Theodore perpetrated after his return to Debra Tabor were fearful; too horrible to be related.

The Belessa people, far from being surprised, had been informed of his intention by their spies, and Theodore, to his disappointment, saw from a distance their villages on fire; the peasants themselves having preferred destroying their homes to leaving them a prey to the invader.