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On the other hand, the existence of a most intimate connection between the agriculture of the one country and that of the other is attested by their possessing in common all the oldest expressions relating to it; -ager-, agros ; -aro aratrum-, aroo arotron ; -ligo-alongside of lachaino ; -hortus-, chortos ; -hordeum-, krithei ; -milium-, melinei ; -rapa-, raphanis-; -malva-, malachei ; -vinum-, oinos . It is likewise attested by the agreement of Greek and Italian agriculture in the form of the plough, which appears of the same shape on the old Attic and the old Roman monuments; in the choice of the most ancient kinds of grain, millet, barley, spelt; in the custom of cutting the ears with the sickle and having them trodden out by cattle on the smooth-beaten threshing-floor; lastly, in the mode of preparing the grain -puls- poltos , -pinso- ptisso , -mola- mulei ; for baking was of more recent origin, and on that account dough or pap was always used in the Roman ritual instead of bread.

On the other hand, the existence of a most intimate connection between the agriculture of the one country and that of the other is attested by their possessing in common all the oldest expressions relating to it; -ager-, agros ; -aro aratrum-, aroo arotron ; -ligo-alongside of lachaino ; -hortus-, chortos ; -hordeum-, krithei ; -milium-, melinei ; -rapa-, raphanis-; -malva-, malachei ; -vinum-, oinos . It is likewise attested by the agreement of Greek and Italian agriculture in the form of the plough, which appears of the same shape on the old Attic and the old Roman monuments; in the choice of the most ancient kinds of grain, millet, barley, spelt; in the custom of cutting the ears with the sickle and having them trodden out by cattle on the smooth-beaten threshing-floor; lastly, in the mode of preparing the grain -puls- poltos , -pinso- ptisso , -mola- mulei ; for baking was of more recent origin, and on that account dough or pap was always used in the Roman ritual instead of bread.