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I understand not what you hinted to me, just now, of the modes or of the method of what, during mortality, we were accustomed to call Creation. Do you mean to say that the Creator is not God? AGATHOS. I mean to say that the Deity does not create. OINOS. Explain. AGATHOS. In the beginning only, he created.

To those, nevertheless, cunning in the stars, it was not unknown that the heavens wore an aspect of ill; and to me, the Greek Oinos, among others, it was evident that now had arrived the alternation of that seven hundred and ninety-fourth year when, at the entrance of Aries, the planet Jupiter is conjoined with the red ring of the terrible Saturnus.

But we, the seven there assembled, having seen the shadow as it came out from among the draperies, dared not steadily behold it, but cast down our eyes, and gazed continually into the depths of the mirror of ebony. And at length I, Oinos, speaking some low words, demanded of the shadow its dwelling and its appellation.

But although I, Oinos, felt that the eyes of the departed were upon me, still I forced myself not to perceive the bitterness of their expression, and gazing down steadily into the depths of the ebony mirror, sang with a loud and sonorous voice the songs of the son of Teios.

AGATHOS. Let me endeavor, my Oinos, to lead you, step by step, to the conception I intend. You are well aware that, as no thought can perish, so no act is without infinite result. We moved our hands, for example, when we were dwellers on the earth, and, in so doing, gave vibration to the atmosphere which engirdled it.

AGATHOS. The cases of which you speak were, in fact, instances of the secondary creation and of the only species of creation which has ever been, since the first word spoke into existence the first law. OINOS. Are not the starry worlds that, from the abyss of nonentity, burst hourly forth into the heavens are not these stars, Agathos, the immediate handiwork of the King?

AGATHOS. It must: but a true philosophy has long taught that the source of all motion is thought and the source of all thought is OINOS. God. AGATHOS. I have spoken to you, Oinos, as to a child of the fair Earth which lately perished of impulses upon the atmosphere of the Earth. OINOS. You did.

AGATHOS. There are no dreams in Aidenn but it is here whispered that, of this infinity of matter, the sole purpose is to afford infinite springs, at which the soul may allay the thirst to know, which is for ever unquenchable within it since to quench it, would be to extinguish the soul's self. Question me then, my Oinos, freely and without fear.

OINOS. But in this existence, I dreamed that I should be at once cognizant of all things, and thus at once be happy in being cognizant of all. AGATHOS. Ah, not in knowledge is happiness, but in the acquisition of knowledge! In for ever knowing, we are for ever blessed; but to know all were the curse of a fiend. OINOS. But does not The Most High know all?

This power of retrogradation in its absolute fulness and perfection this faculty of referring at all epochs, all effects to all causes is of course the prerogative of the Deity alone but in every variety of degree, short of the absolute perfection, is the power itself exercised by the whole host of the Angelic intelligences. OINOS. But you speak merely of impulses upon the air.