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Now it was the very next day after this that Mary-go-round an' the Boss plans another scout. I'm to go, too. It was a Wednesday, an' we lay it out that the Cockeye would prob'ly shoot that day so's to get his fish down to the railroad Thursday, so they'd reach Sacramento Friday fish day, see. It wasn't much to go by, but it was the high card in our hand, an' we allowed to draw to it.

You an' me an' 'Mary-go-round' that was what we called the marshal, him being so much all over the country 'you an' me an' Mary-go-round will have to stock a sure-thing deck against that maverick. "So the three of us gets together an' has a talky-talk, an' we lays it out as how Cock-eye must be watched and caught red-handed.

The Boss got a clod o' river-mud spang in the eye, an' went off his limb like's he was trying to bust a bucking bronc' an' couldn't; and ol' Mary-go-round was shooting off his gun on general principles, glarin' round wild-eyed an' like as if he saw a' Injun devil.

"The Boss took and grit his teeth when he see a three-pounder go by, an' made remarks about Blacklock. "''Sh! says Mary-go-round, sudden-like. 'Listen! "We turned ear down the wind, an' sure there was the sound of some one scrabbling along the boulders by the riverside. Then we heard a pup yap. "'That's our man, whispers the Boss.