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On the back of it it said Made in Germany. It just came to me sudden-like that maybe that was L.'s idea and they'd have it on a pair of spectacles. Maybe it's a kind of crazy idea, but " He looked doubtfully at Mr. Conne, who still sat tilted back, hat almost hiding his face, cigar sticking out from under it like a camouflaged field-piece.

"An' all t' while shoo kept beatin' t' time to t' song o' t' birds wi' her wand. Soomtimes shoo pointed to t' curlews aboon t' moor; then, sudden-like, shoo lowered t' wand, while it were pointin' into t' hazel shaws an' rowan bushes by t' beck-side; and afore I knew what were happening t' blackbirds wakkened up an' started whistlin' like mad. I niver heerd sich a shoutin' afore.

"Such a man as you," said the senator, looking at the remainder of the Scotch whiskey, "will have the railroad behind you, sure." "One more drink," said Mr. Crewe. "I must go," said Mr. Grady, pouring it out, but that reminds me. It comes over me sudden-like, as I sit here, that you certainly ought to be in the new encyclopeedie of the prominent men of the State.

"The Boss took and grit his teeth when he see a three-pounder go by, an' made remarks about Blacklock. "''Sh! says Mary-go-round, sudden-like. 'Listen! "We turned ear down the wind, an' sure there was the sound of some one scrabbling along the boulders by the riverside. Then we heard a pup yap. "'That's our man, whispers the Boss.

"Oh, yu needn't be hikin' for Albuquerque WasheeWashee'ud charge yu double for washin' yore shirt. Yu ought to fall in di' river some day then he might talk business," called Hopalong over his shoulder as he heaved an old boot into the gallery. "Hey, yu hibernatin' son of morphine, if yu don't git them flapjacks in here pretty sudden-like I'll scatter yu all over di' landscape, sabe?

Later on someone over in the crowd spoke. "Pity Mist' Crit Madeira aint here to see all this. Haow he woulda taken to it. That son-in-law of his woulda jes adzackly suited Mist' Crit. Pity he had to die off sudden-like jes whend ev'thing wuz comin' araoun'." It was a woman's voice and it was all softened with pity. "Yass, oh yass," said a man next her gingerly.

Then again very near Lingard the first voice said, deadened discreetly "There's something curious about this here brig turning up sudden-like, ain't there? And that skipper of her now? What kind of a man is he anyhow?" "Oh, he's one of them skippers going about loose. The brig's his own, I am thinking. He just goes about in her looking for what he may pick up honest or dishonest.

"Wal," she drawled it very softly and sweetly, but venomously, "if you ever touch me again!" At this he flushed, then made a quick, passionate gesture with his hand, expressive of heat and shame. "You an' me will never get along," he said, with a dignity full of pathos. "I seen thet a month back when you changed sudden-like to me. But nothin' I say to you has any reckonin' of mine.

The other, like himself a bachelor, was Billy Skidmore, the sexton of the church, and, therefore, the regulator of the town clock upon the steeple. There came a great shock to Tommy one day. As old Mrs. Sparks said, Jerry Hurley, "all sudden-like, just took a notion and died." The wealth and standing of Jerry Hurley insured him an imposing funeral.

'What is it, granny, dear? she said, putting her arms round her neck, and kissing her; 'are you poorly? 'You had best tell her, grandmother, said Poppy's mother; 'it will come less sudden-like on her after. But grandmother could not speak.