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Later we ascertained that the money belonged to the copper-mining company at Maidenpek; the loss was not theirs, however, as the Government would have to reimburse it. It was just like our ill-luck to wait out of the shower; but for that delay we should have come in for the affray. I have my doubts as to whether our assistance would have been particularly welcome to the driver of the diligence.

Consequences of trying to buy a horse An expedition into Servia Fine scenery The peasants of New Moldova Szechenyi road Geology of the defile of Kasan Crossing the Danube Milanovacz-Drive to Maidenpek Fearful storm in the mountains Miserable quarters for the night Extent of this storm The disastrous effects of the same storm at Buda-Pest Great loss of life.

As it only took us four hours by steamer to go from Alt Moldova to Milanovacz, we calculated that we might reach Maidenpek, our destination in Servia, the same day by borrowing a few hours from the night, as an Irishman would say.

I cannot say he was a beauty, but what can one expect for seventeen ducats about eight pounds English? The second day of our stay at Maidenpek was principally devoted to inspecting some copper mines belonging to an English company. They appeared to be doing pretty well. We next arranged to ride over to Kucainia, a place some twenty-five miles off.

However to resume my own simple narrative after dining in the little village aforesaid, we set our faces again towards Maidenpek, returning by another route, which afforded us some very romantic scenery. I finished the difficulty about the horse by purchasing the one I had ridden that day. He was smaller than I liked, but he had proved himself strong and sure footed.

Maidenpek Well-to-do condition of Servians Lady Mary Wortley Montague's journey through Servia Troubles in Bulgaria Communists at Negotin Copper mines Forest ride Robbers on the road Kucainia Belo-breska Across the Danube Detention at customhouse Weisskirchen Sleeping Wallacks. We reached Maidenpek without further mishap, and here I began to make inquiries again about a horse.