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We had dropped our other friend, so H and I hired a light cart for the thirty miles to Belo-breska, my new horse meanwhile being tied on behind, and so we jogged along. The road was good, but, like the good people in Thackeray's novels, totally uninteresting. We drove continually through fields of maize I say through the fields, for there was no hedge or fence anywhere.

The soil appeared to be splendidly fertile and well cultivated. Arrived at Belo-breska, our object was to get across the Danube, and luckily we found a large flat-bottomed boat used for cattle. I thought it a monstrous charge, but the fellow had us in his power. I do not think the Servians are much liked by those who have to do business with them.

We did justice to his capital dinner, and told our robber story, which our host capped with the rumours of a communistic rising down south. After a short stay at Kucainia, we made arrangements for returning over the Danube; but this time we proposed to strike the river at Belo-breska, higher up than Milanovacz.

Maidenpek Well-to-do condition of Servians Lady Mary Wortley Montague's journey through Servia Troubles in Bulgaria Communists at Negotin Copper mines Forest ride Robbers on the road Kucainia Belo-breska Across the Danube Detention at customhouse Weisskirchen Sleeping Wallacks. We reached Maidenpek without further mishap, and here I began to make inquiries again about a horse.