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The cavernous lymphangioma appears as an ill-defined, soft swelling, presenting many of the characters of a subcutaneous hæmangioma, but it is not capable of being emptied by pressure, it does not become tense when the blood pressure is raised, as in crying, and if the tumour is punctured, it yields lymph instead of blood.

The cystic lymphangioma, lymphatic cyst, or congenital cystic hygroma is most often met with in the neck hydrocele of the neck; it is situated beneath the deep fascia, and projects either in front of or behind the sterno-mastoid muscle.

They may be soft or hard, solid or cystic, diffuse or circumscribed; they grow very slowly, and are almost always innocent, although recurrence has been occasionally observed. Cases of multiple endotheliomata of the skin have recently been described by Wise. Angioma, lymphangioma, and neuroma are described with the disease of the individual tissues.

When the tumour is made up of a meshwork of caverns and channels, it is called a cavernous lymphangioma; when it is composed of one or more cysts, it is called a cystic lymphangioma. It is probable that the cysts are derived from the caverns by breaking down and absorption of the intervening septa, as transition forms between the cavernous and cystic varieties are sometimes met with.

Anatomy and Physiology INJURIES OF LYMPH VESSELS Wounds of thoracic duct DISEASES OF LYMPH VESSELS Lymphangitis: Varieties Lymphangiectasis Filarial disease Lymphangioma DISEASES OF LYMPH GLANDS Lymphadenitis: Septic; Tuberculous; Syphilitic Lymphadenoma Leucocythæmia TUMOURS. #Surgical Anatomy and Physiology.# Lymph is essentially blood plasma, which has passed through the walls of capillaries.