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Filarial disease in the lymphatics of the groin appears as a soft, doughy swelling, varying in size from a walnut to a cocoa-nut; it may partly disappear on pressure and when the patient lies down. The patient gives a history of feverish attacks of the nature of lymphangitis during which the swelling becomes painful and tender.

Anatomy and Physiology INJURIES OF LYMPH VESSELS Wounds of thoracic duct DISEASES OF LYMPH VESSELS Lymphangitis: Varieties Lymphangiectasis Filarial disease Lymphangioma DISEASES OF LYMPH GLANDS Lymphadenitis: Septic; Tuberculous; Syphilitic Lymphadenoma Leucocythæmia TUMOURS. #Surgical Anatomy and Physiology.# Lymph is essentially blood plasma, which has passed through the walls of capillaries.

Manson deals with the phenomenon known as "filarial periodicity," and with the fate of embryo parasites not removed from the blood. The intimate pathology of the disease, and the subject of abscess caused by the death of the parent filaria, also receive further attention.

An endeavor to explain the phenomenon of "filarial periodicity" by an appeal to the logical "method of concomitant variations" takes Manson into an interesting excursion which is not productive of any positive results; nor is any more certain conclusion come to with regard to the fate of the embryos which disappear from the blood during the day time.

This interference with the lymphatic circulation brings about the anomalous condition of a patient with a serious filarial disease with fewer of the filarial parasites in his blood than one who is not so seriously affected.