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But there was another period in the Great War in which the grouping of our fighting escadrilles and their employment in offensive movements gave us triumphant superiority in the aërial struggle, and this was the battle of the Somme, particularly during its first three months a splendid and heroic time when our airmen sprang up in the sky, spreading panic and fear, like the knights-errant of La Légende des siècles. Victor Hugo's verses seem to describe them and their vertiginous rounds rather than the too slow horsemen of old: La terre a vu jadis errer des paladins; Ils flamboyaient ainsi que des éclairs soudains, Puis s'évanouissaient, laissant sur les visages La crainte, et la lueur de leurs brusques passages... Les noms de quelques-uns jusqu'

It is what the French call a je ne sais quoi, a something insaisissable, a sort of nuance, not amounting of course to a lueur, but still, how shall one put it, SOMETHING. Showing the Stimulating Effect of the War on Its Literary Style "There is no doubt that our boys, and the Americans, are going some on the western front.

Accordingly, I have myself taken five weeks to see the quarter of this picture of Simon Memmi's: and can give you a fairly good account of that quarter, and some partial account of a fragment or two of those on the other walls: but, alas! only of their pictorial qualities in either case; for I don't myself know anything whatever, worth trusting to, about Pythagoras, or Dionysius the Areopagite; and have not had, and never shall have, probably, any time to learn much of them; while in the very feeblest light only, in what the French would express by their excellent word 'lueur, I am able to understand something of the characters of Zoroaster, Aristotle, and Justinian.