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Only Menelek's word do they heed; his might they dread. Through the Danakil country, between Errer Gotto and Oder, not long ago travelled the caravan of William Northrup McMillan, conveying the sections of several steel boats with which he purposed navigating and exploring the Blue Nile from its source to Khartoom, a region that had never been traversed by white men.

He had a gin bottle in his hands, and with a wink he said: "A christenin' that's what's going on. 'Ave a kepple o' pen'orth of 'ollands, old gel?" At this sally the crowd recovered its audacity and laughed, and the drunken man began to say that he could "knock spots out of any bloomin' parson, en' now bloomin' errer." But the young fellow with the gin bottle broke in again.

It was a poky little shop, and the man was arranging furniture outside on the pavement very cunningly, so that the more broken parts should show as little as possible. And directly he saw the children he knew them again, and he began at once, without giving them a chance to speak. 'No you don't' he cried loudly; 'I ain't a-goin' to take back no carpets, so don't you make no bloomin' errer.

"Gimme that free tea!" he said. Sidney Price, whose moral fortitude has never been impeached, was the first to handle the situation. "My good man," he said, "I am sorry to say you have made a mistake." "A mistake!" said Thomas, quickly taking him up. "A mistake! Oh! What oh! My errer?" "Quite so," said Price, diplomatically; "an error."

'The foxes hev 'oles and the birds of the air hev nests " And then close behind the man, interrupting him and pushing him aside, there came another with fixed and staring eyes, crying: "Look 'ere, Father! Look! Twenty years I 'obbled on a stick, and look at me now! Praise the Lawd, I'm cured, en' no bloomin' errer!

Nor is the climate of Madeira well made for sedentary purposes: it is apter for one who loves to flaner, or, as Victor Hugo has it, errer songeant. Having once described Funchal at some length, I see no reason to repeat the dose; and yet, as Miss Ellen M. Taylor's book shows, Stanford, London, 1878. This is an acceptable volume, all the handbooks being out of print.

"As you gave him the Propper slip and no Errer your beastly Chummy "Daniel Raffles." The letter had evidently been meant for Jack, but had naturally reached Phil, since the envelope was directed to "Mr. Bourne." Bourne, when he had struggled to the end of this literary gem, dropped the letter like a red-hot coal. Was it a hoax, or had Jack really gone up to town, as the letter said?

But there was another period in the Great War in which the grouping of our fighting escadrilles and their employment in offensive movements gave us triumphant superiority in the aërial struggle, and this was the battle of the Somme, particularly during its first three months a splendid and heroic time when our airmen sprang up in the sky, spreading panic and fear, like the knights-errant of La Légende des siècles. Victor Hugo's verses seem to describe them and their vertiginous rounds rather than the too slow horsemen of old: La terre a vu jadis errer des paladins; Ils flamboyaient ainsi que des éclairs soudains, Puis s'évanouissaient, laissant sur les visages La crainte, et la lueur de leurs brusques passages... Les noms de quelques-uns jusqu'

'E'll be a dook, if a kid pegs out as is expected to, and anyhow 'e'll be a markis, and 'e means the straight thing no errer. It ain't fair for me to stand in 'er way." "Well," I says, "you know your own business, but it seems to me she wouldn't have much way to stand in if it hadn't been for you." "Oh, that's all right," he says.

A very sinister expression came over the face of the prostrate one, and he slowly clambered to his feet. "Ho!" he said, disengaging himself from his coat. "Ho. There ain't no free tea ternight, ain't there? Bills stuck on them railings in errer, I suppose. Another bloomin' errer. Seems to me I'm sick of errers. Wot I says is, 'Come on, all of yer. I'm Tom Blake, I am.