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According to the President Henault, that king had collected nine hundred volumes; whereas king John, his father, possessed not twenty. This collection was placed in a tower of the Louvre, called La Tour de la Librairie, which was lighted up every night, in order that the learned might pursue their studies there at all hours.

Then he comes in at eleven o'clock precisely, to go to bed. At any time in the day when he has nothing to do, he reads he is always reading, you see it is a notion he has. My instructions are to read the Journal de la Librairie before he sees it, and to buy new books, so that he finds them on his chimney-piece on the very day that they are published.

The poet GESNER, a bookseller, left his librairie to the care of his admirable wife. His own works, the elegant editions which issued from his press, and the value of manuscripts, were the objects of his attention. On the Continent many of the dealers in books have been literary men.

In April, 1848, I was enabled, by the help of the Lord, to complete all the arrangements for the publication of the Narrative of the Lord's dealings with me, in the French language; and about September of the same year the book appeared, under the following title: "Exposé de quelques-unes des dispensations de Dieu envers Georges Müller. Paris, librairie Protestante, Rue Tronchet, 2."

He often gave me, on awaking, vivid descriptions of these imaginary scenes, which he remembered in every detail of composition, effect, and color, and which he longed, though hopelessly, to reproduce in painting. He was now writing in French a life of Turner for the series of "Les Artistes Celebres," published by the "Librairie de l'Art."

He has his tedious document humain, his miserable little coin de la creation, into which he peers with his microscope. He is to be found at the Librairie Nationale, or at the British Museum, shamelessly reading up his subject.

Mary of Austria, the widow of King Louis, presented two of the Corvinian books to the Librairie de Bourgogne at Brussels; one was the Missal, full of Attavante's work, on which the Sovereigns of Brabant were sworn; the other was the 'Golden Gospels, long the pride of the Escorial, but now restored to Belgium.

To be obtained of the Secretary, Queen Anne's Chambers, 28 Broadway, Westminster. Ernest Barker, Nationalism and Internationalism. C.S.U. Pamphlets, Mowbray, Oxford. Dr. Bauer, International Legislation. Mowbray, Oxford. Reprinted separately, Macmillan. Albert Métin, Les Traités Ouvriers. Armand Colin: Paris. E. Mahaim, Le Droit International Ouvrier. Librairie Recueil-Sirey: Paris.

Unfortunately, in the process religion has disappeared from Prussian soil, and with the liberating influence of the Christian religion has vanished political liberty. Georges Bourdon, “L’Enigme Allemande,” Librairie Plon, Paris. The present investigation into Franco-German relations conducted on behalf of the Figaro is the work of one of the ablest publicists of modern France.

Within a tower which was built during the reign of this monarch, called the Tour de la Librairie, he assembled his royal bibelots and founded what was afterwards known as the Bibliothèque du Louvre, the egg from which was hatched the present magnificently endowed Bibliothèque Nationale in the Rue Richelieu.