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She was always ready to do a kindness, but made no acquaintances, and the only persons who ever climbed to her attic were Plon, who made occasional weighty visitations, often discoursed upon his prowess at the time of the Commune; and an idiot girl called Périne, whom Marie one day found crying in the street; she had no father or mother, and the old rag-picker she lived with beat her.

"But I must say I don't think you are the best of managers," said M. Plon with a magisterial sweep of his hand which took in all the poor surroundings. "With your earnings you might do better than you do, Madame Didier. One mouth to feed, one person to dress " "There is Périne," faltered poor Marie. "Yes, there is Périne, and it is true those imbeciles have appetites like wolves.

The investigations of M. J. A. Le Roi, given in his interesting work, "Curiosites Historiques sur Louis XIII., Louis XIV., Louis XV.," etc., Paris, Plon, 1864, have thrown fresh light upon the matter. Most of the girls left it only when about to be confined, and it sometimes stood vacant for five or six months.

It is true that Plon at first objected, but Marie could persuade him into anything, and he only grumbled. On one winter day, Marie was stooping over the stove stirring something in an earthen pipkin; Périne, seated on the wooden stool, leaned forward and watched her operations with excessive interest.

The landlord was an immensely fat man, called Plon a name which, irresistibly converted into Plon-Plon, seemed to give an aristocratic air to the house and he lived and made shoes in a small room at the foot of the lowest flight of stairs, so that he acted as his own concierge, and boasted that no one came in or out without his knowledge.

He was educated at first privately by tutors, and later at the military academy at Plön, not far from Kiel. When eighteen he became of age and began his active career as an officer in the army. He was married in June, 1905, to Cecilie, Duchess of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, and is the father of four children, all boys.

So you've got hold of the wrong story here, Monsieur Blacklegs, and one that won't serve you much in the violon." "It's true, I give you my word," said Jean. "They did their best to shoot me, but I was only wounded. Marie got me up here, and here I have been ever since." "Was there ever such a cool hand!" cried Plon wrathfully.

For one wild moment his lodger contemplated the chances which lay in knocking him down, and taking refuge in flight, but he reflected that if the house were alarmed he would not get off, and if not, it might be possible to enlist M. Plon on his side. He therefore went quietly back into the room, saying, "Do not fear, M. Plon.... I give you my word, I am not going to fight."

Listen, then, I hear screams, I meet this poor imbecile flying out in terror, I rush I seize I overpower I make him my prisoner " At this point the police officer interposed a question: "You used force, M. Plon?" "I used but certainly moral force. He had made his way into this room through the window, Monsieur Monsieur ?" "Leblanc, at your service," said the commissioner carelessly.

She came into the room pale as death, and even as she came, hesitated, and held up her hand, as if she would have prevented a man who was with her from following. But seeing that she was too late, and that Jean was already discovered, she rushed into his arms, crying out: "What has happened?" M. Plon took up the parable, quite regardless of her action. "What has happened, Madame Didier?