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There are important coal-beds in India of Permian age. There are coal-beds of Liassic age in South Hungary and in Texas, and of Jurassic age in Virginia, as well as at Brora in Sutherlandshire; there are coals of Cretaceous age in Moravia, and valuable Miocene Tertiary coals in Hungary and the Austrian Alps. Again, older than the true carboniferous age, are the Silurian anthracites of Co.

The legend of his inspiration, however, may be placed beside the story of how the saintly Abbess turned the snakes into the fossil ammonites with which the liassic shores of Whitby are strewn.

Or among the Teleostei in what respect is the Beryx of the Chalk more embryonic, or less differentiated, than Beryx lineatus of King George's Sound? Or to turn to the higher Vertebrata in what sense are the Liassic Chelonia inferior to those which now exist? How are the Cretaceous Ichthyosauria, Plesiosauria, or Pterosauria less embryonic, or more differentiated, species than those of the Lias?

The ANNULOSA. The Carboniferous Insecta and Arachnida are neither less specialised, nor more embryonic, than these that now live, nor are the Liassic Cirripedia and Macrura; while several of the Brachyura, which appear in the Chalk, belong to existing genera; and none exhibit either an intermediate, or an embryonic, character.

The ANNULOSA. The Carboniferous Insecta and Arachnida are neither less specialized, nor more embryonic, than these that now live, nor are the Liassic Cirripedia and Macrura; while several of the Brachyura, which appear in the Chalk, belong to existing genera; and none exhibit either an intermediate, or an embryonic, character.

The COELENTERATA. The Tabulate Corals have existed from the Silurian epoch to the present day, but I am not aware that the ancient 'Heliolites' possesses a single mark of a more embryonic or less differentiated character, or less high organization, than the existing 'Heliopora'. As for the Aporose Corals, in what respect is the Silurian 'Paleocyclus' less highly organized or more embryonic than the modern 'Fungia', or the Liassic Aporosa than the existing members of the same families?

Hippopodium ponderosum, Sowerby. 1/4 diameter. Leptaena Moorei, Davidson. No less than eight or nine species of Spiriferina are enumerated by Mr. Davidson as belonging to the Lias. Palliobranchiate mollusca predominate greatly in strata older than the Trias; but, so far as we yet know, they did not survive the Liassic epoch. Ammonites Bucklandi, Sowerby. Ammonites bisulcatus, Brug.

The area of the coal-field is estimated at 51,000 square miles. In connection with the coal-fields of the United States, it is interesting to notice that a wide area in Texas, estimated at 3000 square miles, produces a large amount of coal annually from strata of the Liassic age.

Wealden : Weald-formation. Portland : Upper oolithic. Oxford : Middle oolithic. Bath : Lower oolithic. Lias : Liassic. Keuper : Upper triassic. Muschelkalk : Middle triassic. Bunter : Lower triassic. Permian : 14. Zechstein : Upper permian. Permian : 13. Neurot sand : Lower permian. Carboniferous sandstone : Upper carboniferous. Carboniferous limestone : Lower carboniferous.

This Crinoid, with its innumerable tentacular arms, appears to have been frequently attached to the driftwood of the liassic sea, in the same manner as Barnacles float about on wood at the present day. There is another species of Extracrinus and several of Pentacrinus in the Lias; and the latter genus is found in nearly all the formations from the Lias to the London Clay inclusive.