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In Germany, as before hinted, chapter 21, the Trias first received its name as a Triple Group, consisting of two sandstones with an intermediate marine calcareous formation, which last is wanting in England. Keuper: Marnes irisees: Saliferous and gypseous shales and sandstone. Muschelkalk: Muschelkalk, ou calcaire coquillier: Wanting in England.

The hotter the summer, the more ice is found in the Eiskammer, and the general belief is that it all disappears in winter. The cave proper, which assumes stupendous dimensions in its long course, shows no ice. It seems to be formed in the Muschelkalk of the Trias formation, and so far no limestone stalactites have been discovered. It has not, however, as yet been fully explored.

Formations of quartzose porphyry, pyroxenic porphyry and trachyte, of grauwacke, muschelkalk and quadersandstein, which are frequent towards the west, have not yet been seen in Venezuela; but it may be also observed that in the system of secondary rocks of the old continent muschelkalk and quadersandstein are not always clearly developed, and are often, by the frequency of their marls, confounded with the lower layers of Jura limestone.

As the Orthoceras had never been met with in the marine Muschelkalk, much surprise was naturally felt that seven or eight species of the genus should appear in the Hallstadt beds, assuming these last to belong to the Upper Trias.

Wealden : Weald-formation. Portland : Upper oolithic. Oxford : Middle oolithic. Bath : Lower oolithic. Lias : Liassic. Keuper : Upper triassic. Muschelkalk : Middle triassic. Bunter : Lower triassic. Permian : 14. Zechstein : Upper permian. Permian : 13. Neurot sand : Lower permian. Carboniferous sandstone : Upper carboniferous. Carboniferous limestone : Lower carboniferous.

It has been called the Trias by German writers, or the Triple Group, because it is separable into three distinct formations, called the "Keuper," the "Muschelkalk," and the "Bunter-sandstein." In certain grey indurated marls below the bone-bed Mr.

It abounds in the remains of saurians and fish, and was formerly classed as the lowest bed of the Lias; but Sir P. Egerton first pointed out, in 1841, that it should be referred to the Upper New Red Sandstone, because it contained an assemblage of fossil fish which are either peculiar to this stratum, or belong to species well-known in the Muschelkalk of Germany.

Cassian and Hallstadt Beds. Peculiarity of their Fauna. Muschelkalk and its Fossils. Trias of the United States. Fossil Foot-prints of Birds and Reptiles in the Valley of the Connecticut. Triassic Mammifer of North Carolina. Triassic Coal-field of Richmond, Virginia. Low Grade of early Mammals favourable to the Theory of Progressive Development.

These strata are less connected by alternation than by opposition. Porphyritic breccias which envelope the quartzose porphyries. The gem-salt oscillates from zechstein to muschelkalk. Tertiary strata, showing a much smaller number of dicotyledonous plants. These alternations and transitions appeared to me less common in the littoral Cordillera of Venezuela than in the Sierra Parime.

In Wurtemberg there are two bone-beds, namely, that containing the Microlestes, which has just been described, which constitutes, as we have seen, the uppermost member of the Trias, and another of still greater extent, and still more rich in the remains of fish and reptiles, which is of older date, intervening between the Keuper and Muschelkalk.