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Termes de la Ley, 1595, fol. 144. The object of the writ was to prevent the abuse of spiritual power. Now, here is a law-term quite out of the common, which is used by Shakespeare with a well-deployed knowledge of the power of the writ of which it is the name.

The day of rest and worship to the Christian, is a much stronger type, yet but a shadow of the holy enjoyments of his eternal rest, prefigured from the finishing of the mightier work of redemption. Ed. In Bunyan's original edition it is 'Matt 3, 1, but this must be a typographical error. Ed. 'Out of doors, no more to be found, quite gone, fairly sent away. Locke. 'Out of court. Law-term. Ed.

They had come back across the brown uplands of Castile to Madrid and Goya and Velasquez, till it was time for Paris, before the law-term began.

But Augustus, who was conscious to himself of so many crimes which he had committed, thought in the first place to provide for his own reputation by making an edict against lampoons and satires, and the authors of those defamatory writings, which my author Tacitus, from the law-term, calls famosos libellos.

He did the same in another not very poetical region who invented the Latin law-term, 'stellionatus. The word includes all such legally punishable acts of swindling or injurious fraud committed on the property of another as are not specified in any more precise enactment; being drawn and derived from a practice attributed, I suppose without any foundation, to the lizard or 'stellio' we spoke of just now.

Wycherley's The Plain Dealer , iii, I, where the Lawyer says to Manly: 'You ... shammed me all night long. 'Shammed! cries Manley, 'prithee what barbarous law-term is that? 'Shamming ... answers the lawyer, ''tis all our way of wit, Sir. And Freeman explains 'Shamming is telling you an insipid dull lie with a dull face, which the sly wag the author only laughs at himself; and making himself believe 'tis a good jest, puts the sham only upon himself.