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It is placed in a solution of sulphate of copper and, by the action of a galvanic battery, a thin shell of copper is deposited on it. This shell is backed with type-metal and is then ready for use. A number of these elecrotypes may be fastened together and electrotyped in one piece. There is also a photographic process for making typographical dies.

"All right: typographical error For 'whacked' read 'manipulated. Then you looked over the type-written pages, and I erased and wrote in and finally got out a perfect copy. Now I worked as hard probably harder than you did, yet the success of that book was entirely due to you, and not to me. Therefore it is quite right that you should get £20,000 and that I should get two pounds a week.

One of the main issues around which they rallied the working people of this country was the fight for the eight-hour day. Albert Parsons, only 36 when he was executed, had spent more than ten years actively organizing American workers. He was a printer, a member of the powerful International Typographical Union which even in those days had over 60,000 members.

And when a suburban clergyman is forced out of his cure by a vestry-room revolution be almost invariably concludes that the sinfulness of man is incurable, and sometimes he even begins to doubt some of the typographical errors in Holy Writ.

The woman of the-house is now making soup for us out of the beans, the onions and the noodles. She has also produced a little grated Parmesan cheese from somewhere. Four-twenty p.m. That was the best soup I ever tasted, even if it was full of typographical errors from the jumbling together of the little alphabet noodles. Still, nobody but a proofreader could have found fault with that.

or he, on the other hand, has the advantage of reading your own name selected for a similar typographical distinction. There it is, that abominable little exclusive list at the end of every club-catalogue you can't avoid it. I belong to eight clubs myself, and know that one year Fitz-Boodle, George Savage, Esq.

Do your best to find me subscribers, that we may soon make our typographical arrangements. . . His father's answer, full of fun as it is, shows, nevertheless, that the prospect of domesticating not only the naturalist and his collections, but artist and assistant also, was rather startling. CONCISE, November 16, 1830.

The importance of combination as a remedy was freshly brought home to her through what she saw of the women's organizations then most prominent and flourishing in New York, the Parasol and Umbrella Makers' Union, the Women's Typographical Union, and the Women's Protective Union. She returned to England with a plan for helping women workers to help themselves.

The Mayor and City Council. Knights Templars on Horseback. Band. Odd Fellows. Druids. Typographical Corps. Band. Officers and Crews of Vessels in Port. Turners. German Reading Society. German Singing Society. Attaches of Postoffice Department. Citizens in Carriages. Citizens on Horseback. Brewers on Horseback. Butchers on Horseback. Col.

Christ is the federal or covenant head of his church, each member claiming an equal or common right to all his merits as a Saviour, Mediator, and Advocate. Ed. This retort, or rebuke, is inserted twice in the first edition, probably a typographical error. Ed. See note on No. 152. The feelings of Bunyan must have been exceedingly pungent. Ed.