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He speaks of the optimistic views which were popular with the Liberals after 1832, expounded by Cobden and Bright and supposed to be sanctioned by the Exhibition of 1851. It was the favourite cant that Captain Pen 'had got the best of Captain Sword, and that henceforth the kindly earth would slumber, lapt in universal law.

Overhead, the sun blazing wastefully and thanklessly through a rarefied atmosphere; underfoot the hot, black clay, thirsting for spring rain, and bare except for inedible roley-poleys, coarse tussocks, and the woody stubble of close-eaten salt-bush; between sky and earth, a solitary wayfarer, wisely lapt in philosophic torpor.

There she laid him on his bed, covered him over, and in a moment he was lapt in a dreamless sleep. THE next night Diamond was seated by his open window, with his head on his hand, rather tired, but so eagerly waiting for the promised visit that he was afraid he could not sleep. But he started suddenly, and found that he had been already asleep.

He was a lusty troller of ale-songs; and, with his mug in his hand, would lean his waddling bulk partly out of the sentry-box, singing: "No frost, no snow, no wind, I trow, Can hurt me if I wold, I am so wrapt, and thoroughly lapt In jolly good ale and old, I stuff my skin so full within, Of jolly good ale and old." Or this,

The men laid their mother's body with those of the generations that had gone before her, beneath the long grass in their country churchyard near Rothieden a dreary place, one accustomed to trim cemeteries and sentimental wreaths would call it to Falconer's mind so friendly to the forsaken dust, because it lapt it in sweet oblivion.

And so, too, the born warrior becomes a political leader; and politics, if it does not do any of the things it professes to do, plays yet an invaluable part in modern life, bridging over, perchance, the transition from the bellicose ages to those belauded days when the war-drum shall throb no longer, "and the kindly earth shall slumber, lapt in universal law."

"'When moonlike ore the hazure seas In soft effulgence swells, When silver jews and balmy breaze Bend down the Lily's bells; When calm and deap, the rosy sleap Has lapt your soal in dreems, R Hangeline! R lady mine! Dost thou remember Jeames? "'I mark thee in the Marble All, Where Englands loveliest shine I say the fairest of them hall Is Lady Hangeline.

Kneeled beside her in wondrous bliss, Rapt in an everlasting kiss: Though never his lips come the lady nigh, And his eyes alone on her beauty lie. All the night long, till the cock crew loud, He kneeled by the lady, lapt in her shroud. And what they said, I may not say: Dead night was sweeter than living day. How she made him so blissful glad Who made her and found her so ghostly sad,

Ay, indeed, how often had she been lapt in these and other such eccentric dreams, and visions of the future! Fräulein Aennchen burst into long and bitter weeping. "Anna, my daughter Anna," cried Herr Dapsul down through the speaking trumpet; "come up here to me immediately!" She found him dressed very much like a miner.

This was the plight of Thady Quinlan as, leaving Lisconnel, soon lapt out of sight behind him amid the grey web of the rain-mists, he tramped haltingly away, with Mrs. Kilfoyle's cloak bundled under his arm, and the dread of pursuit on his mind, and in his heart a great remorse, the object of which you are perhaps guessing wrongly.