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Towards the end of the drive she was positively wretched, and though, as before, she did not address a word to Sanin, she suddenly flung an imploring glance at him.... He, for his part, felt much more sorry for her than indignant with Herr Klueber; he was even secretly, half-consciously, delighted at what had happened in the course of that day, even though he had every reason to expect a challenge next morning.

'We can't go on living on the takings of our shop, Herr Dimitri! and Herr Klueber is very rich, and will be richer still. And what is he to be refused for? Because he did not defend his betrothed?

But while Herr Klueber was settling up with the waiter, to whom, by way of punishment, he gave not a single kreutzer for himself, Sanin with rapid steps approached the table at which the officers were sitting, and addressing Gemma's assailant, who was at that instant offering her rose to his companions in turns to smell, he uttered very distinctly in French, 'What you have just done, sir, is conduct unworthy of an honest man, unworthy of the uniform you wear, and I have come to tell you you are an ill-bred cur! The young man leaped on to his feet, but another officer, rather older, checked him with a gesture, made him sit down, and turning to Sanin asked him also in French, 'Was he a relation, brother, or betrothed of the girl?

A quarter of an hour later Sanin, Klueber, and Emil, in this same carriage, drew up triumphantly at the steps of the confectioner's shop. Madame Roselli resolutely refused to join the party; Gemma wanted to stay with her mother; but she simply turned her out. 'I don't want any one, she declared; 'I shall go to sleep.

'Ah, don't go back, don't go back from your words! cried Frau Lenore in an imploring voice; 'you have already consented! The result is certain to be excellent. Any way, I can do nothing more! She won't listen to me! 'Has she so positively stated her disinclination to marry Herr Klueber? Sanin inquired after a short silence. 'As if she'd cut the knot with a knife!

Moreover Pantaleone, who came out on the steps, announced that Frau Lenore was asleep. Emil took a shy good-bye of Sanin; he felt as it were in awe of him; he greatly admired him. Klueber saw Sanin to his lodging, and took leave of him stiffly. The well-regulated German, for all his self-confidence, felt awkward. And indeed every one felt awkward.

She vanished altogether under her hat; nothing could be seen but her neck, supple and tender as the stalk of a big flower. 'What intentions? 'Your intentions ... relative to ... the future arrangement of your life. 'That is ... you are speaking ... of Herr Klueber? 'Yes. 'Mamma told you I don't want to be Herr Klueber's wife? 'Yes. Gemma moved forward on the seat.

Her eyes, at one time wide open, clear and bright as day, at another time half shrouded by the lashes and deep and dark as night, seemed to float before his eyes, piercing in a strange sweet way across all other images and recollections. Of Herr Klueber, of the causes impelling him to remain in Frankfort in short, of everything that had disturbed his mind the evening before he never thought once.

Emil came home late, and to avoid questions about Herr Klueber, beat a hasty retreat. The time came for Sanin too to retire. He began saying good-bye to Gemma. He recollected for some reason Lensky's parting from Olga in Oniegin. He pressed her hand warmly, and tried to get a look at her face, but she turned a little away and released her fingers.

Klueber, and in that way, though indirectly, had led to her marriage with her husband, with whom she had now lived twenty-eight years, in perfect happiness, comfort, and prosperity; their house was known to every one in New York.