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At Vale he ordered the car stopped at the post-office, and, telling Lenore he might be detained a few moments, he went in. Nash followed, and presently came back with a package of letters. Upon taking his seat in the car he assorted the letters, one of which, a large, thick envelope, manifestly gave him excited gratification. He pocketed them and turned to Lenore. "Ah!

'Has no one been to see you to-day? she asked. 'A person did come to me and we had an explanation, and we ... we came to the most satisfactory conclusion. Gemma went back behind the counter. 'She does not believe me! he thought ... he went into the next room, however, and there found Frau Lenore. Her sick headache had passed off, but she was in a depressed state of mind.

What an actress, and what a hopelessly womanly woman, still mourning the providential demise of an impossible brother who had lived on her. She was on the stage now, looking about seventeen, all youth and garden hat and white muslin. Marion's face twitched. She was living her own youth over again. There was a pause. Lenore picked a rose to gain time, and looked into the wings.

And Anderson chuckled with the delight he always felt in the Western appreciation of summary violence justly dealt. Lenore felt the rising tide of her anger. She was her father's daughter, yet always had been slow to wrath. That was her mother's softness and gentleness tempering the hard spirit of her father. But now her blood ran hot, beating and bursting about her throat and temples.

Lenore de Warrenne, sick, faint, sinking, waited ... waited ... waited ... gripping the shelf and fighting against her over-mastering weakness for the life of the unborn child that, even in that awful moment, she prayed might be a daughter. After many cruelly long centuries, and as she swayed to fall, the good Antonio entered with the lamp. Her will triumphed over her falling body.

She often boasted to her father that she could run "Many Waters" as well as he. Sometimes there were difficulties that Lenore had no little part in smoothing over. The barns and corrals were familiar places to her, and she insisted upon petting every horse, in some instances to Jake's manifest concern. "Some of them bosses are bad," he insisted.

"I lost my father," said Dorn. "What! Your old man? Dead?... Aw, that's tough!" Lenore felt an almost uncontrollable impulse to go to Dorn. "Oh, I'm sorry!" she said. "That is a surprise," went on Anderson, rather huskily. "My Lord! But it's only round the corner for every man.... Come on, tell us all about it, an' the rest of the bad news.... Get it over. Then, mebbe Lenore n' me "

She was waiting, and, besides, his keen eyes, at once so penetrating and so kind, had confused her. Few secrets had she ever kept from her father. "Where's Lenore?" she heard him ask, down in the dining-room. "Lenorry's mooning," replied Kathleen, with a giggle. "Ah-huh? Well, whereabouts is she moonin'?" went on Anderson. "Why, in her room!" retorted the child.

Watching there awhile, she saw a number of men, whispering and talking low, come from the road, pass under her window, and disappear down the path into the grove. Then no more came. Lenore feared at first these strange visitors might be prowling I.W.W. men. She concluded, however, that they were neighbors and farm-hands, come for secret conference with her father.

Lenore mistook my silence. "You cannot tell me why they work?" she said. "From habit, from fear, because committed? It cannot be, then, that they are in earnest, that they are sincere, that they care a rush for this cause so holy to you.