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"You had a good day, I hope," she said. "It was wonderful," exclaimed Dennis Brown. "We didn't make any money except Miranda. But that didn't matter." "All our horses were down the course," Harold Jupp explained. "They weren't running in their form at all"; and he added cheerfully: "But the war may be over before the winter, and then we'll go chasing and get it all back."

"So I invited him, and he's coming this afternoon. I shall send the motor to meet him in an hour from now. So there's an end of the matter." Harold Jupp shook his head sagely. "We must see that the plate is all locked up safely to-night." "There! I knew it would be like this," cried Millie Splay, wringing her hands.

Albany Todd, that you haven't got the disease during the week. There's a racing microbe at Rackham." "But I am not so sure that I have escaped," returned Mr. Albany Todd. "I am tempted to go jumping in the winter." "You must keep your old Lords out if you do," Harold Jupp urged earnestly. "Bring in your Dukes and your Marquises, and we poor men are all up the spout."

Whenever he had half a day given him in the week free from duty he would make a point of coming up to take "Master Teddy and the young ladies" out into the woods, fern-hunting and flower-gathering, the vicar frequently popping upon the little picnickers unawares, whilst they were watching the rabbits and rabbitikins combing out their whiskers under the fir-trees, and Jupp and Mary getting an al fresco tea ready for the party.

"You'll get it back before Friday." Harold Jupp shook his head doubtfully. "Never sure about flat-racing. Jumping's the only thing for the poor and honest backer." Joan Wentworth looked about her regretfully. "I understand now why you have all come back so early." Miranda Brown ran impulsively to her. She was as pretty as a picture, and spoke as a rule in a series of charming explosions.

Thus the very spirit of summer seemed to inform the gathering. Saturday brought up no clouds to darken the clear sky. Harold Jupp and Dennis Brown actually scored four nice wins at Gatwick on horses which, to celebrate the week, miraculously ran to form.

Why, no less a person than Jupp, whose black beard seemed all the blacker, surrounding his good-humoured face, as he came out of the office with Mary on his arm, and a young Master Jupp and another little Mary toddling behind them the whilom porter no longer dressed in grimy velveteens, but in a smart black frock-coat, his Sunday best, while his wife was equally spruce.

Lady Splay saw a glimpse of hope in their laughter and became much more cheerful. "As you are not racing, dear," she said to Joan, "he will be quite a pleasant companion for you." Sir Chichester returned with the evening papers. Dennis and Miranda and Harold Jupp rose to go upstairs and change into flannels; and suddenly, a good hour before his time, Harper, the butler, announced: "Mr.

At last he had concluded that, however painful it might be to him, he would call on Mrs Jupp, who he thought would be able to help him if anyone could. He had been walking moodily from seven till about nine, and now resolved to go straight to Ashpit Place and make a mother confessor of Mrs Jupp without more delay.

All its resources will be devoted to this business and I hope to succeed, madam. If, as I suspect, you are on your way to Mrs. Ocumpaugh, please tell her that Robert Trevitt, of Trevitt and Jupp, hopes to succeed." "I will," she emphasized. Then stepping back to me in all the grace of her thrilling personality, she eagerly added: "If there is any information I can give, do not be afraid to ask me.