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"I must have a few words more with Mr. Trevitt. I had forgotten what I owe him in the frenzy which possessed me." "Do you wish to talk to him here?" asked that lady, with very marked anxiety. "No, no; it is too cold, too dark. I think I can walk to Mrs. Carew's. Will you join me there, Mr. Trevitt?"

Then, with a sweet and candid look which sank deep into my heart, she added gravely: "I had rather not think of money in connection with Gwendolen. If what I have to tell leads to her recovery, you can be trusted, I know, to do what is right toward me. Mr. Trevitt, the man who stole her from her couch and carried her away through Mrs.

Oh, they will fit the footprints." Her smile was ghastly. Softly she set the shoes down. "Mrs. Carew helped me; she went for the child at night. Oh, we are in a terrible strait, we two, unless you will stand by us like a friend and you will do that, won't you, Mr. Trevitt? No one else knows what I have just confessed not even Doctor Pool, though he suspects me in ways I never dreamed of.

Never could any one she did not know and like have carried her so far as that without her waking. Then those men on the track, they would have seen her. No, Mr. Trevitt, it was not in that direction she went." The force of her emphasis convinced me that she had an opinion of her own in regard to this matter. Was it one she was ready to impart? "In what direction, then?"

Delighted with this naïveté, he took pains not to disabuse her mind of the simple prospects with which she was evidently so well satisfied, and succeeded in marrying her and bringing her as far as our station below there, without her having the least suspicion of the splendor she was destined for. And now, Mr. Trevitt, picture, if you can, the scene of that first arrival.

Men have not the curiosity of women, and I do not wish to bore you, but I see that I shall not do that," she exclaimed. "Sit down, Mr. Trevitt; I shall not detain you long; I have not much time myself." As she sank into a chair in saying this, I had no alternative but to follow her example.

Ocumpaugh would be in port the next morning; if she could show him the child all would be well. Mr. Trevitt would manage the details; take the credit of having found Gwendolen somewhere in this great city, and that would insure him the reward and them his silence.

Remember that my object is first to convince you and afterward Mrs. Carew, that it will be useless for her to deny that she has been in that room. Once that is understood, the rest will come easy; for we know the child was there, and it is not a place she could have found alone." "The proof!" She had no strength for more than that "The proof! Mr. Trevitt, the proof!"

Ten days, little one, only ten days more. And with that he moved, and, slipping aside behind the tree, allowed us to drive on. Mr. Trevitt, yesterday saw the end of those ten days, and where is she now? Only that man knows. He is one man in a thousand. Can not you find him?" She turned; a train was coming, a train which it was very evident she felt it her duty to take.

Trevitt, do you want to know the story of this place? the old, much guessed-at, never-really-understood story which led first to its complete abandonment, then to the building of that dividing wall and finally to the restoration of this portion and of this alone? Do you?"