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Wishing ain't no good, or I'd do it with both hands, and wish old Jollop was here to look at his tongue and to strap up that head of his. It ought to have all the hair cut off, but one can't do that with a blunt knife. Hullo! what's that?" he muttered, after satisfying himself with the fruit from the basket. "I believe it's one of those two-tailed pigs grunting and chuntering."

Common enough in the Board schools, this pursuit of knowledge on an empty stomach. But then the end is so inestimable! Yet another home. It was tenanted by two persons only; they appeared to be man and wife, but in the legal sense were not so, nor did they for a moment seek to deceive their neighbours. With the female you are slightly acquainted; christened Sukey Jollop, she first became Mrs.

Leaving my traps at the station to be sent on by a porter, only taking Dick's cage with me, I was soon trotting along through the village, passing old Doctor Jollop on my way.

I believe he'd give her poison an' risk it any day, if only I promised to marry him afterwards. Then there was a feller called Jeck Bartley. I set him an' Bob fightin' one Bank-holiday you should a' seen 'em go at it! Jack went an' got married a year ago to a girl called Suke Jollop; her mother forced him. How I did laugh!

You're fond of physic; you shall have such a dose. Mind, you boys, that old Jollop doesn't sneak off." "All right!" rose in chorus; "he shan't go." "Mind he don't lick you, Eely," cried one of the boys at the window. "Mind Tommy Wilson don't sneak off either," said Burr major. "All right, Tommy, I can't fight you, but I can stretch those ugly great ears for you."

The next instant, however, I was at the vicarage gate, when Nellie, who was on the watch, although as I've said I was not expected till next day, flew out of the porch and had her arms round my neck, with my mother after her and father and my brother Tom, too the latter bringing up the rear, his dignity not allowing him to hurry himself too much; and what with meeting and greeting these all thoughts of Doctor Jollop and his pills and everything else were banished from my mind everything, save the delicious feeling of being at home again.

"All right," said Mercer oracularly, in a whisper to me, as Burr major walked off importantly for a few yards, attended by his satellites, and then stopped, drew out his watch with a flourish, looked at it, and put it back with an air that he intended to be graceful. "Look here, you, Tom Mercer do you hear, Jollop? You're not going to have riding lessons.

"Will you mind and watch that window," cried Burr. "It's all right, boys; I shall have to dress Jollop down as soon as I've done the groom. Here, Hodson, you must second me." "Oh, Tom," I whispered, with my heart beating, "I wish I could fight like you!" "So you can," he replied; "better. Look out, he's ready. Take it coolly; never mind his show. I wish I was going at him instead of you.

"Look sharp, lads," said Bob Hampton, "or Frog-soup 'll be back and bully us." "Must give the jollop purser a drop more," said Dumlow. "Here, he arn't dead neither; takes the water down as free as if it were grog. They'll come right agen, won't they?" "Ay, to be sure," said Bob Hampton. "Now then, heave ahead afore he comes. Rum games these here, messmets."

Cheeking me because you know I can't stop now. But all right, I shan't forget it. If I do, Dicksee, you remind me after lessons that I've got to warm Jollop and this groom boy. The Doctor's been spoiling them both lately, and they want taking down." "All in, all in, to begin!" was shouted from the doors. "Oh yes, we're coming soon," said Burr major, throwing up his head.