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Cheeking a non-commissioned officer never pays." "Thank you, sergeant," Edgar said quietly; "I am much obliged to you for your advice." "An uncommonly good style of young fellow," Sergeant Netherton, who was the son of a colonel in the army, and had been educated at Harrow, said to his companion. "Comes from a good school, I should say.

"What is going on here?" said a stern voice in the doorway. Instantly the men closed round the jar, hoping to hide it, but Macleod, the Scotch foreman, was not easily hoodwinked. "Drinking and fighting too. What do you mean by it?" "It's this young rascal here," said Whatman. "Cheeking us and drinking our beer." Dick was too dazed to answer, but there was no need.

Without, of course, giving the prisoner the benefit of any doubt, because there isn't any." The Clerk scratched his nose with his pen. "Some people would consider," he observed, "that stealing the motor-car was the worst offence; and so it is. But cheeking the police undoubtedly carries the severest penalty; and so it ought.

I'd better go to the Docks, I say." "You sall not. Zey will be all shut fast zere. No, my dear friend, you sall come sleep at my hotel, and you sall have nothings to pay. It will be all right. I would die for to help ze friend of my friend." "Is Mr Armstrong a friend of yours?" asked the boy. "I thought you were only cheeking him that time in the Hall. Oh, all right, if you know him.

One minute before this he was an irresponsible baby "cheeking" Moles White; now he was the germinal man, borne down with the weight of life. He paused for me to plead my understanding, and invite his confidence. But an awkwardness held me dumb, and he was obliged to continue: "I wish you could understand, because Do you know, Rupert, why I made it up with you this afternoon?"

"Let's have 'em over," suggested one of the Britishers; and they were "had" over; he raised his glass. "Here's how as you say in America!" he exclaimed. "You destroyer chaps are certainly top hole." And then he added, with a blush, "I say, I hope you don't think I'm cheeking you!"

On the same September day, in Moreton and Payntor's department store in New York, might have been seen a wisp of a girl "cheeking" a manager into giving her a situation on the strength of her being Irish. No one would have thought that they could be in the same story the mysterious Vision and the little, sharp-faced thing from County Cork.

One man was there for cheeking a sergeant. He had called the sergeant something which cannot be repeated here. "'Why the b h did you speak to an N.C.O. like that? exclaimed the Colonel in a Judge Jeffreys tone. 'Will you take my sentence? Or will you have a court martial? he demanded. "The man replied that he would take the Colonel's sentence.

"Let's have 'em over," suggested one of the Britishers; and they were "had" over; he raised his glass. "Here's how as you say in America!" he exclaimed. "You destroyer chaps are certainly top hole." And then he added, with a blush, "I say, I hope you don't think I'm cheeking you!"

"Yes, and I'm writing the lines now," said Telson, dipping his pen in the ink, and scarcely smothering a laugh. Game, now fully aware of his rebuff, was glad of an opportunity of covering his defeat by a diversion. "Look here," said he, walking up to Telson, "I didn't come here to be cheeked by you, I can tell you." "Who's cheeking you?" said Telson. "I'm not." "Yes, you are," said Game.