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"I had heard of Lady Augustus before," said Lady Penwether, "but I didn't think that any woman could be so disagreeable." "So vulgar," said Miss Penge. "Wasn't she the daughter of an ironmonger?" asked the elder Miss Godolphin. "The girl of course is handsome," said Lady Penwether. "But so self-sufficient," said Miss Godolphin. "And almost as vulgar as her mother," said Miss Penge.

A prayer from the greengrocer followed, in which he did seem to be feeling after God a little; and then the ironmonger pronounced the benediction, and all went among the rest, Frederick Marshal, who had followed the schoolmaster, and now walked back with him to his father's, where he was to spend one night more.

John Thomas Dawson, ironmonger, of Mudbury. What a happy woman was Rose to be my Lady Crawley! Let us set down the items of her happiness. In the first place, she gave up Peter Butt, a young man who kept company with her, and in consequence of his disappointment in love, took to smuggling, poaching, and a thousand other bad courses.

At last, however, growing suddenly weary of the sport, he desisted, and said: "Ran, you can stay if you like. I've learned my catechism, and I don't see why I should wait his time." As he spoke he drew a picklock from his pocket his father was an ironmonger deliberately opened the schoolroom door, slipped out, and locked it behind him.

The butcher who supplied Dillsborough, or the baker, or the ironmonger, though he might not drive what is called a roaring trade, nevertheless found himself probably able to live, and might well hesitate before he would encounter the dangers of a more energetic locality.

It was not far to the Offices of the New Colliery Company in Ironmonger Lane, where, and not at the Cannon Street Hotel, in accordance with the more ambitious practice of other companies, the General Meeting was always held. Old Jolyon had from the first set his face against the Press. What business he said had the Public with his concerns!

It is because she knows it is a good investment." "An ironmonger is not a doctor." "Who said he was?" replied Mrs. Furze, triumphant in the consciousness of mental superiority. "Furze," she once said to him, when it was proposed to elect him a guardian of the poor, "take my advice and refuse. Your forte is not argument: you will never held your own in debate."

But Miss Leroy was not the wine-merchant, nor the ironmonger, nor Guffy, and even now I cannot trace the hidden centre of union from which sprang so much that was apparently irreconcilable. She was a person whom nobody could have created in writing a novel, because she was so inconsistent. As I have said before, she studied Thomas a Kempis, and her little French Bible was brown with constant use.

It ought to have entered into anybody's head to do such a simple thing as that." "How was I to know?" replied Mrs. George. "I am not an ironmonger. What have I to do with pipes? You shouldn't have had such a thing." Ellen stood looking at the wreck. "We don't want you;" said George savagely; "go into the kitchen," and he shut the dining-room door.

Other missionaries have followed Xavier in the same field of work, such as Schwartz, Carey, and Marshman in India; Gutzlaff and Morrison in China; Williams in the South Seas; Campbell, Moffatt and Livingstone in Africa. John Williams, the martyr of Erromanga, was originally apprenticed to a furnishing ironmonger.